Chapter 24

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When Izuku woke up wrapped in Tomura's arms this time, he didn't run or panic. If anything, he felt more relaxed than he had in days--no--weeks.

No, scratch that, too.


Izuku felt better than he had in months.

As he stirred, he looked up at Tomura, whose eyes were already open and fixated on Izuku.

"Good morning," Tomura hums, running his fingertips up his spine, causing his skin to shiver and pebble.

"Morning," Izuku breathed. He shifted against Tomura, the movement making him acutely aware of the situation regarding his pants. He'd fallen asleep in the same jeans he wore to the bar the previous night, and the way the band dug into his sides was uncomfortable. He shifted himself off Tomura and adjusted himself before flopping back down on him.

He breathes in, inhaling the woodsy, almost ashy scent that hung on Tomura's clothes, closing his eyes and basking in it.

"I was going to give you something more comfortable to put on, but I didn't want to wake you," Tomura told him.

"Oh! It's fine- wasn't so bad." Izuku brushes it off and nuzzles into Tomura. The sun is peeking through the curtains, basking the room in a delicate light, the few dust particles in the air catching and reflecting the light. The room was quiet, and all Izuku could hear was the steady rhythm of Tomura's heartbeat in his chest. He could fall asleep again, but he also wants to be awake to cuddle Tomura more. Both options seem nice, but he likes the way Tomura feels underneath him, so he tries to keep his eyes open and his mind running so he can keep feeling it.

Suddenly, the door to Tomura's room swings open, and Izuku jumps, smacking his head into Tomura's chin.

"Fuck!" Tomura exclaims, gripping his jaw.

"Ohmygosh I'm so sorry!" Izuku squeaks, rubbing the top of his head.

"I didn't know you were still here," says a deep voice from the foot of the bed. Both men look toward the door to see Dabi standing with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Fuck, do you know how to knock?" Tomura hisses. He sits up, grabbing Izuku by the hips to shift his weight off him.

"Toga is sick, apparently," Dabi states.

"So? What does that have to do with me?" Tomura replies. He then opens and closes his jaw a few times. Izuku shrinks against Tomura's side as the two talk.

"Well, someone needs to cover her shift at the bar." Dabi looks at his phone screen. "Which starts in an hour."

Tomura sighs. "I don't want to do that. Why can't you?"

"Busy." Dabi deadpans as he regards Tomura with an unamused look.

"Iguchi? Atsuhiro?"

"Also busy."

"Fine. Fuck you. Get out."

Dabi turns around. "Aren't you just a ray of sunshine this morning?" he chuckles before stepping into the hall and closing the door behind himself. Tomura slumps against Izuku.

"I didn't want you to have to leave so soon," he pouts, crossing his arms over his chest.

* * *

Izuku spends the rest of his day doing absolutely nothing. Shinsou had left to hang out with Denki, and Tomura was busy at the bar, so he didn't want to bother him.

He sat on the couch as some news channel played on the TV while he mindlessly scrolled on his phone. By the time the evening rolled around, he had successfully wasted an entire day doing nothing and decided to celebrate by ordering takeout.

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