Chapter 1

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Sandstorm's rough tongue rasped over her kit's ear as [Y/K/N]'s eyes drooped. "[Y/K/N]! Don't fall asleep!" Berrykit, [Y/K/N]'s littermate yowled into her ear, causing her to jump.

[Y/K/N] could feel excitement pulse from Blossomkit as she gasped, "Jaykit, Lionkit and Hollykit are there! Come on, let's play!" Blossomkit and Berrykit hared out of Firestar's den as Snowkit nudged his sister. 

Reluctantly, [Y/K/N] followed and skidded down the rocky tumble to where her littermates were standing, staring at the older kits like starstruck rabbits.

"Stop staring!" [Y/K/N] hissed through gritter teeth. Lionkit knocked Blossomkit over as he scrambled to catch the mouse that Hollykit had thrown. "Got it!" Lionkit yowled triumphantly. 

"Can we play with you?" Berrykit meowed. 

"Sure," Hollykit replied. [Y/K/N] sat in a corner and began grooming. 

After a while, Jaykit growled and sat down beside her. "What's wrong?" [Y/K/N] asked, surprised.

"Lionkit doesn't want a blind kit on his team," Jaykit growled. They sat in silence while [Y/K/N] clawed moss together to form a ball.

"Wanna play moss-ball?" She asked and flung the ball to Jaykit. 

Mischief gleamed in his blind blue eyes as he replied, "I'm the best at moss-ball." He threw the ball back at [Y/K/N]. She caught the ball and tossed it between both of them, then scrambed to get it, colliding with Jaykit.

Both kits fell, purring in the fading leaf-bare light. Suddenly, Sandstorm rushed down the slope and called to her kits, fear edging her mew. "Hurry! Dustpelt's patrol found a dead fox, and its cubs might be nearby." Around her, cats were muttering uneasily as Brambleclaw assigned patrols to find the fox cubs.

[Y/K/N]'s littermates were already inside the leaders' den. Firestar grabbed his daughter by her scruff and carried her to his den. "What about Jaykit?" [Y/K/N] squeaked. 

"Your older sister will take care of them," came Firestar's reply. Sure enough, Squirrelflight, Firestar's first litter, was nosing her kits back into the nursery.

[Y/K/N] squirmed out of her father's grip and scrambled into the den. "Why didn't you play with us?" Berrykit asked.

"I had to get dirt out of my claws," [Y/K/N] lied. Berrykit's ear twitched, but she said nothing. [Y/K/N] laid down and peered out of her den, only to see a tabby tail whisking out of sight.

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