Chapter 9

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"Help!" Jaypaw's yowl took [Y/A/N] by surprise. She ignored the mouse she was stalking as it scurried away and bounded towards the sand with Sorreltail behind her.

"Is that Jaypaw?" Her mentor asked.

[Y/A/N] narrowed her eyes and spotted a gray head bobbing above the water's surface. "He's drowning!" [Y/A/N] darted towards the lake when Sorreltail stopped her.

"Look," Sorreltail told her. [Y/A/N] followed Sorreltail's gaze and saw that WindClan cats were watching at the shore nearer to Jaypaw. "Let's go inform Firestar."

"What about Jaypaw?" [Y/A/N] asked, her voice trembling.

"He's in the paws of StarClan's now." Sorreltail's voice softened as he added, "Leafpool has to get the herbs ready."

Reluctantly, [Y/A/N] tore her gaze away from the gray apprentice and followed Sorreltail.


[Y/A/N] heard an unfamiliar voice near the thorn tunnel saying, "May I please see Firestar?" [Y/A/N] turned around to see the WindClan warrior, Crowfeather with Jaypaw by his side. Jaypaw looked cold and exhausted.

[Y/A/N] immediately darted to Jaypaw's side and took his weight from Crowfeather. 

Leafpool, Hollypaw and Firestar emerged from the medicine den. Hollypaw dashed to Jaypaw's other side, and Leafpool looked at the medicine den quickly, before Crowfeather could notice her silent command.

[Y/A/N] nodded and escorted Jaypaw and Hollypaw into it.

As Jaypaw collapsed gratefully into a nest, Holly murmured half to herself, "What herb?"

[Y/A/N] pricked her ears. "Thyme?" She suggested.

"Of course!" Hollypaw bounded to the storage cave and pulled out a mouthful of leaves. 

Leafpool padded into the medicine den with Crowfeather. "What do you think you're giving him?" Leafpool demanded. 

"Thyme...." Hollypaw trailed off.

"That's not thyme," Leafpool snapped and took out more leaves. "Give it to Jaypaw," Leafpool told [Y/A/N].

[Y/A/N]'s eyes widened and she scurried off with the thyme. Crowfeather's whiskers twitched with amusement. "I guess you never change." Jaypaw flinched as if Crowfeather was talking to him.

[Y/A/N] felt fear flash from him and tried her best to stay calm. Leafpool dipped her head to Crowfeather. "It's time you left now."

Crowfeather nodded curtly and padded out of the nedicine den. Leafpool bent down and whispered something into Jaypaw's ear as if she were his mother. And she is, [Y/A/N] thought. But Jaypaw can't know.

Blinded by the Truth (Jayfeather x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu