Chapter 2

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"I wish it was newleaf. Then we would have more undergrowth to hide in," Hollykit grumbled.

 Jaykit tasted the air. "I smell fox! It's that way!"

The three kits ran along the edge of the hollow when Jaykit scented something - or someone- familiar. "[Y/K/N]?"

[Y/K/N] crawled out of a holly bush. "What in the name of StarClan do you think you're doing?"

Lionkit lifted his chin. "We're looking for the fox cubs." Jaykit felt surprise flash from [Y/K/N].

"Why would you want to look for fox cubs? They could kill you!" 

Lionkit shoved his muzzle into [Y/K/N]'s face. "Yeah, well we're strong. They're just cubs. They can't do much harm."

"You're kits too," [Y/K/N] pointed out. "Besides, imagine how angry Firestar would be when he finds out what you did."

"We're a moon older than you, so we have more experience," Lionkit snapped. "Why don't you go back to your mother and cry about it. Tattle about us?"

Hollykit nodded in agreement. "Firestar won't know about this unless you tell him."

"I'm here to convince you to come back, not to tattle about you!" [Y/K/N] protested.

"Of course. Firestar's perfect little kit wouldn't tattle. She always does what's right." With each word, Lionkit drove [Y/K/N] one step closer to the edge of the hollow.

"Lionkit, stop!" Jaykit yowled, dashing forward to catch [Y/K/N], but his jaws closed around empty air as [Y/K/N]'s thin shrill of fear was abruptly cut off.

Hollykit's eyes were wide with shock. "We have to go back and see if she's okay!" Jaykit exclaimed.

lionkit's expression remained stony as he replied, "She's probably not okay. Let Leafpool deal with it, and we'll come back to check on her later. Then, no cat would care about what we did, because we killed foxes when we were only kits."

"But what if we don't kill them?" Hollykit whispered.

Lionkit squared his shoulders. "We have to."

"We can't leave her to die like that!" Jaykit protested. "That would be breaking the warrior code!"

"In what way," Lionkit asked, his voice cold as ice.

"Warriors don't kill to win," Jaykit recited.

"We didn't kill anything," Lionkit responded. Dread hollowed in Jaykit's belly as he realised his brother was right. "Come on, let's go. We have some foxes to kill."


"I can't see anything!" Hollykit complained. The scent of fox was thick around Jaykit's nose.

"We're close," he whispered. Lionkit grunted. Jaykit suddenly crashed into Hollykit. "What?" He asked. He could sense a presence in the fox den, and he could hear snarling.

"Run," Hollykit commanded. "RUN!" The three kits dashed out of the fox den and toward the direction of the camp.

"Wait for me!" Jaykit yowled but his voice was drowned out by the fox cubs' high-pitched barking. Their breath was hot on his tail, and Jaykit knew that he had been seperated from his littermates.

He ran faster and faster, until he was running on thin air. 

I've fallen into the hollow!

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