Chapter 10

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Jaypaw drew his paw over his ear, swallowing back fury. "I can't wait to go to the Gathering!" Lionpaw meowed excitedly.

(Squirrelflight's) Berrypaw glanced at Jaypaw nervously. "Maybe it won't be that great."

Lionpaw gave his tail an irritated lash. Jaypaw heard him think, why is every cat going out of their way just to make Jaypaw feel better? "Of course it will!" Lionpaw insisted.

[Y/A/N] looked at Lionpaw wistfully. "I wish I could come."

"That would be so fun!" Snowpaw purred. Jaypaw growled softly.

"What's wrong?" Hollypaw asked.

"Nothing," he snapped sarcastically. Hollypaw flinched and looked away, making Jaypaw feel a wave of guilt wash over him.

"Let's go," Firestar's command made Jaypaw's heart sink even further.

"Tell me everything," [Y/A/N] begged (Squirrelflight's) Berrypaw, then took a step back so her littermate could leave.

(Squirrelflight's) Berrypaw purred. "I promise."

As the last of the Gathering patrol left the camp, it was eerily quiet. Stop acting like a kit, Jaypaw scolded himself. It's not like this is the first Gathering.

A loud wail from the nursery made Jaypaw jump. He rushed to the nursery with [Y/A/N] and the few warriors left in camp. Foxkit was clutching his paw and whining in pain.

"For StarClan's sake, what is it?" Ferncloud growled. 

Foxkit held out his paw, whimpering. "I stepped on a thorn."

Ferncloud sighed and gently tugged out the thorn with her teeth. "Remember to go see Leafpool in the morning," she called after Foxkit, who had scampered away.

Jaypaw felt a twinge of jealousy. Would Squirrelflight have done the same if he stepped on a thorn? His whole entire kithood, Squirrelflight hardly seemed to have any time for him. It's as if I'm not her kit.

"What's wrong, Jaypaw?" [Y/A/N] asked. 

Jaypaw backed away slowly like a cornered fox. "Squirrelflight... she wouldn't have done the same." (Note his different reaction to the same question when asked by [Y/A/N] and Hollypaw)

He felt sympathy and grief flash from [Y/A/N]. "Honestly, I felt the same. At least Brambleclaw visited you every day. It wasn't the same with Firestar. I mean, I know I share a den with him, but it was like sharing a den with the clan leader and not my own father."

Jaypaw let out a breath he didn't know he was holding. For as long as he could remember, Lionpaw had always told him that Firestar loved his litter more than his clan, and that [Y/A/N] was blinded by her absolute perfectness. 

"It's like they have no time for us," Jaypaw and [Y/A/N] said at the same time.

They padded into the clearing, so close that their pelts brushed. 

How can she understand me better than my littermates do?

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