Chapter 11

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[Y/A/N] scented ThunderClan mixed with kittypet and loner(I swear I almost typed that as lover). The Gathering patrol had returned, but they  brought back two new cats-one gray and the other pale yellow(idk what color Millie rlly is).

"Graystripe's back!" Firestar announced, joy shining in his green eyes.

Cats emerged from their dens, blinking in astonishment. 

Cloudtail narrowed his eyes, then rushed to Graystripe's side. "It's you! It's really you!" He cried joyfully.

[Y/A/N] was bursting with questions. Where did he come from? Why did he leave, and most of all, why did he come back?

She dashed to (Squirrelflight's) Berrypaw, who looked stunned as if she still couldn't believe Graystripe, the legend that they knew of through nursery tales, was actually in the ThunderClan camp. "What happened at the Gathering?" [Y/A/N] meowed eagerly.

(Squirrelflight's) Berrypaw shrugged. "I don't know. He just.... showed up."

"I have so many questions!" Blossompaw exclaimed, echoing [Y/A/N]'s thoughts.

"Tell Leafpool that Millie has an infected wound," Jaypaw called. "I can smell it from here."

Hollypaw looked impressed and [Y/A/N] could have sworn she was a twinge of jealousy in her green eyes.

Firestar waved the cats surrounding Graystripe away with his tail. "Is there space for a nest in the warriors' den?" He called to Brambleclaw.

Brambleclaw's head poked out from the warrior den. "One maybe, but not two."

"I don't care where I'm sleeping, but I'm sleeping with Millie," Graystripe said firmly.

"There's a nice and shaded mossy patch just outside the nursery," Ferncloud called.

"Are you all right with that?" Firestaar looked at Graystripe, apology lighting his eyes.

Graystripe nodded and padded to the spot outside the nursery and lay down. As soon as the crowd dispersed, Jaypaw, [Y/A/N], Lionpaw, (Squirrelflight's) Berrypaw, Honeypaw and (Brambleclaw's) Berrypaw bounded across the clearing towards him.

"Hi, I'm [Y/A/N], Firestar's daughter," [Y/A/N] meowed proudly.

A deep purr rumbled in Graystripe's throat. "I can clearly see so."

[Y/A/N] beamed. "Thanks!"

Graystripe shifted uncomfortably in his nest. "Do you need some more moss?" Lionpaw asked.

Graystripe nodded gratefully. "Yes, thank you. Could you help me get the moss from over there?"

Lionpaw nudged his brother. "Yeah, Jaypaw. Go get the moss."

Jaypaw rolled his eyes and padded to a random tree. "No, that's the wrong one. It's the one with the smoothest bark," Graystripe called. [Y/A/N] could imagine Jaypaw thinking, You just waltz into the ThunderClan camp and order apprentices around. What a hero.

Jaypaw sighed and tasted the air. He then padded to another tree and rubbed his cheek onto it.

Graystripe let out an ill-tempered growl. "For StarClan's sake, are you blind?"

The apprentices looked away awkwardly, stunned into silence. Honeypaw dashed to Jaypaw's side. "There's no tree with a smooth bark in camp," she whispered. She could imagine him thinking, I've been stuck in this camp for six moons, and you think I don't know?

Rage flared in Jaypaw's eyes as he replied, "Yes, I'm blind. Do you have a problem with that?"

"Do I have a problem? Young cats these days," Graystripe muttered. (This sentence was inspired by my teacher complaining about us Gen Zs)

[Y/A/N] felt as if she could explode with rage. She wanted to throw the moss-ball Jaypaw had at his paws at Graystripe, she wanted to pull the rogue-looking cat out of camp by his tail. But she couldn't. She was Firestar's daughter, and whether she liked it or not, Firestar had a reputation to uphold. 

So instead, [Y/A/N] took the moss from Jaypaw and rolled it to Graystripe. "Hope you're comfortable now," she spat.

"Excuse me?" Graystripe growled. Every hair on [Y/A/N]'s pelt told her to leap at Graystripe for openly insulting Jaypaw in the middle of his own camp. "How dare you? I used to be deputy!"

Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw dashed out of the warriors' den. "[Y/A/N], we don't speak to our guests like that," Squirrelflight scolded.

[Y/A/N] bristled. "He insulted Jaypaw!" (Squirrelflight's) Berrypaw defended her sister.

"Graystripe would never do that," Squirrelflight said simply. 

"Really? Does 'great StarClan are you blind' not count as an insult?" [Y/A/N] retorted.

Squirrelflight narrowed her eyes. "You're making this up."

[Y/A/N] flattened her ears. "Why does no one ever believe me? You know what? I'm tired of being Firestar's perfect daughter." Without another word, [Y/A/N] dashed out of the thorn tunnel and into the forest.

She could hear Squirrelflight's paws on the forest floor and ran faster. Soon, Squirrelflight's paw steps faded into the distance. No one could outrun her.

[Y/A/N] didn't want to stop. She wanted to run away from all her problems, but she knew she had to stop. ThunderClan territory didn't go on forever. 

Slowing down, [Y/A/N] pressed herself against a willow tree. Rain pattered the forest floor and onto [Y/A/N]'s whiskers. Away from her clan, [Y/A/N] allowed her tears to trickle down silently.

I hate being treated differently! Just because I'm the last to be born, Firestar doesn't have an excuse to treat me like the rebellious one! All I ever tried to do was make everyone happy.

"[Y/A/N]?" Jaypaw's voice sounded beside her. Why did he follow me?

"Go away," she growled.

Jaypaw still stayed loyally close to her. "It's okay."

"No it's not! I hate Graystripe, but I can't. I'm going to get into trouble, and I'm never going to become a warrior. I know I'm not supposed to right now, but I hate everything in ThunderClan."

Jaypaw stayed quiet for a while, then meowed at last, "That's life for you. Being treated differently because of how or when you're born."

A mouse scurried nearby and [Y/A/N] slammed a paw down on it lazily. It squealed for a moment before [Y/A/N] let it go. Jaypaw blinked in surprise. "Why did you do that?"

"I want to be that mouse," [Y/A/N] sighed.

Jaypaw's eyes rounded with sympathy. "Everything's going to be all right," he told her softly.

[Y/A/N] buried her muzzle in Jaypaw's fur. "That's all I ever believed in, and look where it got me."

For the first time since they were born, Jaypaw was at a loss for words.

My hand realised he's called Jaypaw now.

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