Chapter 15

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The cool morning breeze ruffled [Y/A/N]'s fur. "See that mouse?" Sorreltail whispered to her. [Y/A/N] nodded. "Catch it."

Hollypaw sat watching. The cold and bitter leaf-bare meant that prey was scarce, but [Y/A/N] always came back to camp with at least two pieces of prey. 

"Set a good example for Hollypaw," Sorreltail told [Y/A/N] as she stalked up to the mouse. She set each paw gently on the ground. The mouse lifted its muzzle from the nut it was chewing and sniffed the air. [Y/A/N] burst out of the pitiful amount of undergrowth and jumped out at it.

It squirmed in her grip for a while, until [Y/A/N] killed it with a swift bite.

Hollypaw's eyes shone with admiration. "How do you hunt so well?"

[Y/A/N]'s eyes sparkled with amusement. "It's easy, really. I just pretend I'm sneaking up on Jaypaw." Jaypaw.

Hollypaw purred. "I want to try!" She glanced at Brackenfur (her new mentor). "Can I?"

Brackenfur nodded. "Try that mouse." He gestured to a mouse under a random tree's roots.

Hollypaw sat still. She didn't even try to move to the mouse. [Y/A/N] tipped her head to one side in confusion. Slowly, the mouse got up and moved further from Hollypaw. Hollypaw pounced, and [Y/A/N] sighed. Hollypaw wasn't even in pouncing range if the mouse didn't move.

Lionpaw and [Y/A/N] dashed after the mouse, driving it back towards Hollypaw. Hollypaw fumbled with it for a while, then killed it. "Mice don't act like Jaypaw," Hollypaw complained. 

Lionpaw rolled his eyes. "You expect it to walk towards its death?"

Hollypaw shrugged. "I thought mice were dumb."

Lionpaw flicked his sister's ear with his tail. "They are, but not that dumb!" Hollypaw growled in mock anger and tumbled into Lionpaw, play-fighting. 

Ashfur emerged from the bushes. "For StarClan's sake, Lionpaw. Are you a kit or a warrior?"

Lionpaw got up and shook out his pelt. "Sorry."

Sorreltail glanced up at the darkening sky. "Let's head back to camp. We caught enough."

[Y/A/N] bounded through the forest with Lionpaw and Hollypaw at her heels. She darted into camp, carrying her catch proudly in her jaws. Jaypaw immediately ran to her as soon as she got into camp. 

"Guess what?" He asked.

[Y/A/N]'s heart ached with longing. "What?"

Jaypaw looked like an excited kit, bouncing around her. "Firestar and the other leaders decided that each medicine cat can have a warrior to keep them safe."

"And....?" [Y/A/N] was confused. 

Jaypaw's tail curled up in excitement. "You'll see."

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here for a clan meeting!" Firestar's order rang through the hollow clearly, and cats emerged from their dens to listen.

"The other clan leaders have agreed in the previous Gathering that each medicine cat can have a warrior to... help them out." Cats looked at each other, curiosity lighting their gazes. Firestar beckoned Leafpool to join him on the Highledge. 

"Which cat do you want to help you?" Firestar's eyes gleamed with excitement.

Leafpool's amber eyes swept through the crowd, until it finally stopped on Squirrelflight. "Squirrelflight," Leafpool sounded so sure of herself.

Squirrelflight's green eyes shone with joy. "Thank you, Leafpool!"

"Any cat would think that Squirrelflight just became deputy," Lionpaw whispered in [Y/A/N]'s ear.

Next, Firestar beckoned to Jaypaw. (I typed Firestar as Friday 😁) "Who do you want to pick?"

"It's definitely going to be me," Lionpaw told [Y/A/N] and Hollypaw.

Almost instantly, Jaypaw said, "[Y/A/N]." Lionpaw gasped in shock. [Y/A/N]'s [E/C] eyes reflected his shock.

"You said that each medicine cat would get a warrior," Lionpaw called up the Highledge. [Y/A/N] imagined him thinking, if I can't have him, then no one can.

"[Y/A/N] isn't going to be an apprentice forever," Jaypaw retorted. 

"So it's settled, then," Firestar meowed. "Each warrior chosen to help the medicine cats will accompany them to do their daily tasks and go to the Moonpool." [Y/A/N]'s breath caught in her throat. Firestar gazed at both Squirrelflight and [Y/A/N]. "Each of you will have to go on at least one patrol daily. And [Y/A/N], you have to keep up with your training."

"She's learning really quickly, I think she can do her warrior assessment in the next two moons," Sorreltail meowed. Two moons! No way! Sorreltail's kidding!

Firestar nodded. "Then this meeting is at an end." 

Jaypaw bounded up to [Y/A/N]. "Now do you see why I was so excited?" 

[Y/A/N] purred. "You mouse-brain."


[Y/A/N] was sharing a rabbit with Honeyfern. (Pretend she's already a warrior. ik she's not yet) "Congrats on getting chosen to help Jaypaw," Honeyfern said suddenly.

[Y/A/N] blinked. "I-I always thought that, I don't know...."

"You liked him?" Honeyfern seemed to read [Y/A/N]'s mind.

[Y/A/N] nodded hesitantly. "I know it's forbidden, but... I can't help but wish, you know?"

Honeyfern purred and she looked fondly at Berrynose. "Maybe you should start talking to another cat. Like Lionpaw, maybe. Whenever you want Jaypaw, you can go to Lionpaw instead. After a while, your feelings for him will fade."

[Y/A/N]'s heart lifted hopefully. "You really think so?"

"Try it first." Honeyfern pushed the remains of the rabbit towards [Y/A/N]. "You can have the rest."

[Y/A/N]'s heart was painfully hopeful. Is it really that easy?

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