Chapter 5

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Leafpool ducked into the medicine den. Seeing the Sandstorm's expression, Jaykit unconscious and Lionkit bristling with rage, she dropped her bundle of herbs.

"Leafpool!" [Y/K/N] called from Jaykit's nest. Leafpool blinked in surprise. "[Y/K/N]?" she mumbled, half to herself.

Seeming to gain control of herself again, Leafpool shooed the other cats out of the medicine den. "Leafpool!" [Y/K/N] called again, more urgently this time.

"Great StarClan!" Leafpool yelped and rushed to Jaykit's side. "Let him lie down." [Y/K/N] did as she was told.

"Get him to sleep," Leafpool commanded (lol why did i choose that word).

"How am I supposed to get him to sleep?" [Y/K/N] snapped out of frustration. 

Leafpool ignored her and went to rummage the herb store. Muttering darkly under her breath, [Y/K/N] lay down beside Jaykit and began covering his pelt with rhythmic strokes of her tongue.

[Y/K/N] continued, even after Jaykit fell asleep. She could feel Leafpool's gaze burn her pelt, her gaze sparkling with interest.

"You're really good with Jaykit," Leafpool commented thoughtfully. "Do you think you might me interested in becoming a medicine cat?"

[Y/K/N] shook her head fiercely. "Just because I'm good with Jaykit, doesn't mean that I can help every cat in the clan. Besides, the honor of sharing with StarClan is too much for me."

Leafpool nodded, her eyes deep pools of disappointment. "I understand."

[Y/K/N] blinked. She didn't expect Leafpool to give in so quickly. 

"Have you ever thought of becoming a warrior?" she asked her older sister.

"Not really. But I'll have to soon." Leafpool replied.

[Y/K/N] tipped her head to one side. "What do you mean?"

Leafpool leaned in closer. "Jaykit, Lionkit and Hollykit's mother isn't Squirrelfight. It's me."

[Y/K/N]'s eyes widened with shock. "B-but.... The code... Can I tell him?"

"No," Leafpool said fiercely. "I want you to guard this secret with your life."

"But they deserves to know," [Y/K/N] argued. 

Leafpool stared deep into the depths of [Y/K/N]'s eyes. "You really  want him to know? Do you think that the clan can accept him as who he is? The kit of a medicine cat?"

"But the truth will come out anyway. It always does," [Y/K/N] pointed out. 

Leafpool flicked her tail decisively. "Then let it. Jaykit, Lionkit and Hollykit will be able to handle it better when they're older." She clearly didn't want to talk anymore.

"Okay," [Y/K/N] meowed uneasily. She yawned and her eyes began to droop.

Leafpool's gaze softened. "Let's get you to your nest. You had a rough day as well." 

"How about Jaykit? Do you think he's going to be a warrior?" [Y/K/N] asked softly. 

Leafpool's voice was tinged with sorrow as she replied. "I'm not sure. Maybe, maybe not."

[Y/K/N] gazed at Jaykit's sleeping form, and shadows darkened her thoughts. She knew that Jaykit had always wanted to be a warrior, but could a blind kit ever be a warrior?

Every single time I type the 'Jay' part of "Jaykit', my finger always hovers above the letter 'f'. I think even my brain knows Jayfeather's warrior name.

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