Chapter 4

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Jaykit awoke to [Y/K/N]'s labored breathing beside him and wondered where her ghost was.

  Maybe she returned to her body. He stepped out of his nest and into hers, when a mew behind him made him jump. "Looking for someone?"

"[Y/K/N]!" He purred with relief and bounded to her. He could feel her whiskers twitch in amusement. 

"Hollykit is on her way to check in you. Sandstorm is coming as well," [Y/K/N] warned. 

"Can you get back into your body?" Jaykit asked.

[Y/K/N] nodded slowly. "I can, but it's getting harder. I think I can only enter when there's an open wound."

Jaykit gently ran his paw over [Y/K/N]'s body, checking for wounds wheen Sandstorm's scent hit his nose.

"Get back into your nest," [Y/K/N] hissed and knocked Jaykit into it. Sandstorm entered the medicine den, with Lionkit , Hollykit and her own kits behind her.

"Jaykit, how are you?" Lionkit asked. A surge of anger passed through him as he remembered how Lionkit had pushed [Y/K/N] into the hollow. He closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Sandstorm let out a low moan as she saw [Y/K/N]'s sorry shape. She whipped around to face Lionkit. "This is all your fault. If you had just listened to [Y/K/N], we would have two kits safe."

Lionkit flattened his ears. "[Y/K/N] fell by herself," He growled. 

"You fox-hearted liar!" Sandstorm hissed. [Y/K/N]'s ghost pressed closer to him, her fear enough to knock him off his paws. 

Firestar (idk he just appeared ok?)put his tail on his mate's shoulder. "Let's not start accusing one another," He meowed gently.

Jaykit felt anger crack from Sandstorm like a bolt of lightning. "My kit is dying because she fell from the highest point of the hollow. For all I know, she could be dead by now and he killer wont admit what he did."

"Samdstorm! Look at me!" [Y/K/N] yowled desperately. Jaykit lifted his head feebly. She turned to face him. "You have to create an open wound! Please!" She begged.

"Confess to your mistake," Sandstorm snarled. 

At the same time, Jaykit replied to [Y/K/N]. "No! Why would I do that?" He yelped. Ssandstorm turned around slowly. 

"You killed [Y/K/N]?" She rasped.

"Let me back into my body! I'll make everything all right!"[Y/K/N]pleaded. All the emotions of the cats around him mixed with the strong scent of herbs made him nauseous. 

His paws trembled as Sandstorm repeated her question. [Y/K/N] pressed herself onto him to stabilize him. 

Without a second thought, Jaykit scrambled to [Y/K/N]'s nest and aimed a gentle blow on his side. 

Sandstorm let out a screech of anger and unsheathed her claws, preparing to strike. Jaykit squeezed his eyes shut and braced himself for the worst.

The blow never came. He looked up (I have no other way to describe this. I didn't forget that he was blind. I just... don't know)to see [Y/K/N]'s hazy outline blocking Sandstorm's paw with her own.

"Don't," she growled softly, "hurt Jaykit."

"[Y/K/N]!" Sandstorm made no attempt to hide her astonishment. that was the last emotion he felt, when Sandstorm's astonishment knocked him off his paws.

"Jaykit!" Jaykit heard a distorted version of [Y/K/N]'s voice, and her firm side against his was the last thing he felt.

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