Chapter 16

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"What is Marigold for?" Leafpool was testing him again. 

"Preventing infection," Jaypaw responded. 


"For aching joints... and used as a travelling herb."

"Poppy seeds?"

"Helps a cat sleep."

"And...?" Leafpool was growing impatient. 

"I don't know!" Jaypaw snapped.

Leafpool sighed. "Go get some Mallow and catmint. Take [Y/A/N] with you as well."

Jaypaw growled and stormed out of the medicine den. He knew that [Y/A/N] wouldn't be back until sunhigh. Mallow is best collected in the morning, when they are dry. What's the point if  [Y/A/N] isn't going to be back until sunhigh anyways?

Contrary to his prediction, [Y/A/N] returned with a rabbit and a vole in her jaws. "Hi Jaypaw!" She meowed cheerfully.

It's hard to stay angry when I'm with her.... "I need to go collect mallow and catmint. Can you come with me?"

Lionpaw darted in front of [Y/A/N]. "She promised me that we would go hunting together," he growled.

"I did?" [Y/A/N] meowed in confusion. 

Paws off! She's mine. Jaypaw heard Lionpaw think as though he said it out loud. Jaypaw growled in frustration. "I need the herbs!"

Jaypaw tried to see what [Y/A/N] was thinking, but he only heard the steady flow of a river. 

"I'll go hunting with you later," [Y/A/N] promised Lionpaw and followed Jaypaw out of camp. Lionpaw growled softly under his breath.

"Didn't you just go hunting?" Jaypaw meowed. 

[Y/A/N] shrugged. "I don't know. Where do we get the catmint?" 

"The twoleg dens," Jaypaw responded. 

"What?" Shock radiated form [Y/A/N]. "What about the abandoned one?"

"All the catmint there's killed by the frost. We'll just take the catmint quickly and leave." Jaypaw tried to reassure her.

"I don't think the kittypets will be happy about this," [Y/A/N] warned.

"Are you coming or not?" Jaypaw snapped, letting his temper flare.

[Y/A/N] showed no sign whatsoever that she was intimidated. "I have to."

Jaypaw hissed softly and stormed ahead. [Y/A/N] made no attempt to catch up. Jaypaw wasn't worried. [Y/A/N] was bounding in the snow like a playful kit.

She'll soon forget. [Y/A/N] didn't forget. As the twoleg dens loomed into view (for [Y/A/N] not Jaypaw lmao), [Y/A/N] let out a squeal of fear.

"They're so big!" She whispered.

Jaypaw halted and tasted the air. "There's catmint in that den," he meowed, gesturing to a twoleg den.

Jaypaw and [Y/A/N] darted into the den. "Do you see the catmint?" He whispered to [Y/A/N]. 

[Y/A/N] nodded. "It's over there." Jaypaw nipped off a few stems and turned to leave.

"Who are you?" An unfamiliar voice sounded behind him. 

"I'm sorry, we'll leave soon," [Y/A/N] squeaked.

"Not with my catnip." Another voice growled. 

"Please let us have it! Our clanmates have whitecough, and soon it will become greencough, and they might die!" [Y/A/N] pleaded.

The kittypets didn't show any sign of sympathy. "Give it back to us," one of them growled.

[Y/A/N] nudged Jaypaw with her hind leg. "Get out of here!"

The kittypets lunged for him, and missed. Jaypaw dashed out of the twoleg den, with [Y/A/N] behind him.

One kittypet caught [Y/A/N]'s tail and bit down hard. The other one lunged for [Y/A/N]'s neck, but she shook him off. "[Y/A/N]!" Jaypaw yowled.

"Run!" [Y/A/N] cried. Her yowls of pain echoed through the quiet twolegplace. Then Jaypaw scented blood. [Y/A/N]'s blood! He heard her body land with a thump beside him.

"She's as good as dead," the kittypet meowed, satisfied. Jaypaw sniffed [Y/A/N]'s wound. Blood was gushing steadily out of it.

"Fox-hearts!" He called after the kittypets.

He gathered cobwebs and pressed it into [Y/A/N]'s wound. After a few heartbeats, the silky strands were soaked in [Y/A/N]'s blood. What do I do now? Jaypaw thought in despair. 

They were so far from camp, and [Y/A/N] was so close to death. What kind of medicine cat am I if I can't even save [Y/A/N] from a bunch of kittypet-inflicted wounds?

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