S: 0.5 He's insane.

48 3 4

Severus Black

It is silent. The illumination is dim. With the two small boys in this bed, I'm comfortable and cozy. My eyes open, and for a moment I feel relaxed and at peace. I turn to face the right, and my confused mind tries to sort through the last few visual memories it has stored without resorting to legilimens.

Holy hell.

Broken recollections of our shared experiences steadily seep into my mind, haunting me.

This just won't do.

Hell no.

I had sex with James Bloody Potter.

Dismissing it, I get out of bed, carrying the two little boys with me as I carefully bring them to the bathroom for a bath and attempt to brush Draco's teeth with a small children's toothbrush. When his teeth are being brushed, Draco starts to cry uncontrollably. I rinse his mouth with lukewarm water and then pick up Harry, but immediately he wiggles out of my grasp and begins to run about the tile floors naked.

"Get back here!" I yelled as I chased after him.

"Pottah!" Draco claps his hands,

"Bleah!" Harry makes out with a raspberry-blowing motion,

"Harry James Potter!" I exclaimed, "You're a bad little boy! 50 points taken from Gryffindor!"

Harry paused and turned around to scowl at me.

"Bleah, Bleah, Bleah!" Harry speaks,

"You're bad!" I shouted,

There's a knock on the door at that moment. James saunters in after opening the door. He strides forward, still in his jammies without his glasses on, he throws his arms around me from behind.

"Is that really worth 50 points? Snivelly," James whispers,

"When did I say that you could call me that? and hands off, too," I muttered.

James grips me even more tightly.

Harry sprints over to embrace James's legs and gives him a quick glance. James releases his hold on me, scoops Harry up, and starts brushing Harry's teeth with the red-orange toothbrush that I was holding.

Taking a deep breath, I move Draco into the bedroom and aimed my wand at him to charm some clothes on him, just something simple, A white t-shirt and green shorts. I then brought him to the kitchen and got him seated inside of the wagon. I pushed my hair back and put on the beige apron while I washed my hands in preparation for preparing breakfast. While I was preparing, James came out with a red faced upset Harry Potter. James set Harry next to Draco with a towel on him. I aimed my wand at Harry and put on a similar outfit, just that his short is red-orange.

James came up behind me and encircled me once again as I was whisking the eggs and adding the milk in with the oil. However, this time, he rested his chin on top of my left shoulder.

"You didn't tell me what I can call you," James whispers,

I turned to look at him and our noses briefly touched.

"Would you like it if I called you a Swine?" I say,

James holds onto me tighter.

"N—No, not really, but you're allowed to call me Prongs,"

"I heard, Sev, I'm scared, yesterday,"

James face flushed red.

"Th—That's not fair, it was—"

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