S: Epilogue- We go.

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Severus Black

James was brought by Death and taken to the Netherworld of Wizardry. Upon his arrival, Lily greeted him with a bright smile. I glance over at James, who appears so worn out from living such a wretched life and enduring hardship for both the Order and for the Headmaster. I find it sad that despite being a decent person who deserved respect, he was left emotionally devoid of emotions.

"Are you going to greet him?" Regulus asked me quietly. "I'm not sure," I replied, uncertain.

Regulus looked at me, waiting.

"Would that be appropriate now that you're here?" I whispered.

"You died for him, Sevy," Regulus whispered.

I swallowed.

"You make it seem like I wouldn't have for you," I whispered.

Regulus smiled.

"You wouldn't," he said.

That's not true.

"Reg..." I nudged him with my elbow.

Regulus pushed me towards the Order of the Phoenix, and I suddenly felt nervous.

"You loved me enough to share a life with me while you were alive, and you loved Evans even after her death. However, the intensity with which you loved James Potter is difficult to understand. You loved him enough to die for him. That's beyond love, Sevy."

The ring of the Deathly Hallows on my finger shimmered as I moved closer to James, leaving Regulus behind.

Lily embraces James in a hug, which he reciprocates, before she pulls away, beckoning him to join his friends from the Order, including Sirius, Remus, and many more.

Sent to Azkaban in the afterlife, Peter and the other Death Eaters are incapable of causing harm to anyone else. As soon as I passed, Evan Rosier died not long after and was also sent there.

Regulus once questioned the strength of my feelings for Evan. Even after Death, we continued to have small, trivial arguments about how I lived my life. Lily was very understanding of my relationship with James. She confided in me that, she was rooting for us and wanted us to make it to the very end. She said that watching us from this view was like watching a Muggle love story, but live streaming. Regulus said he watched, but didn't enjoy the show. However, after Peter Pettigrew was revealed, Regulus switched sides and began rooting for us.

Regulus and Lily developed a strong bond through our secret love story.

Since he was the well-known James Potter, I guess I'll just have to wait my turn. His two friends, Sirius, and Remus, who passed away a few days earlier, have offered to give him a tour of the Wizardry Netherworld.

James glances at me, and I quickly take a few steps back to stand next to Regulus again.

Regulus gently guided me in their direction, accompanying me as he took Lily by the arm to whisper something in her ear.

"Hey, let's head up the stairs!" Lily exclaimed, filled with excitement.

Lily and Regulus quickly rushed up the stairs, while Sirius and Remus exchanged looks and followed behind them. 

"I guess the sooner we get there, the faster we can reincarnate?" Sirius asked.

"I suppose so," Remus replied.

"Come on, Prongs," Sirius urged.

I stayed back from the short distance while James followed them near the staircase. He turned his attention to me and put his hand out, my eyes caught a glimpse of his ring finger which was still adorned with our Deathly Hallow ring.

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