S: 0.7 I'm lying, of course.

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Severus Black

I shouldn't be meeting up with him right now, but there's something about Evan Rosier that makes it difficult for me to restrain myself.

I made the decision very early on that I could never be in a relationship with Evan Rosier. Being in a relationship with him seems wrong purely by definition. I've already crossed that line with Lily, so to do that to Regulus would be a double betrayal.

When I get out of the carriage, Evan greets me. He is quite literally one of the most attractive wizards in my collection of handsome wizards, therefore, it's difficult to be intimidated by him. He has straightened his naturally messy dark brown hair, and his facial features from his eyes, nose, and lips are perfectly symmetrical.

I tend to not attend Death Eater parties, despite them being mandatory. Due to my blood status, I felt that even if I showed up, my presence wouldn't matter. So naturally, I don't attend.

Wrapping my fingers around Evan's elbow, I feel so small compared to him.

The Malfoy's manor was busy and boisterous when we arrived, and it was packed with Slytherins from my year. A table set aside exclusively for Death Eater members was located in a certain corner. The choice of music that was playing was dark. I was all groomed up, but everyone else was even more sophisticated, I felt like the outcast, the one who didn't read the dress code in fine print before attending. Various half-empty soda and booze cans are already strewn around the massive island table. My gaze sweeps across the number of people present.

Evan led the way to the dance floor, and as his brown eyes locked on mine, I let him take the lead. Laughter and sweaty palms mix with a few misplaced dance moves as a consequence, he leans in. I recoil and sidestep, avoiding what may be a kiss.

"Don't you like me?" Evan asks softly,

I slowly turn back to look at him.

"I—I do, but Regulus would frown upon us," I whispered,

"Why do you hold on to him, he's not here now,"

"Well, if he were here, what would you do?" I ask,

As Evan suppresses a laugh, his lips twitch up in the corner, and dimples form next to his mouth.

"I would be honest with my best friend and let him know that I've fallen in love with his husband,"

Evan moves closer to me, and I get a strong scent of pine. He leans in and puts his lips to mine.

Suddenly the music comes to a halt, and whispers and vague voices merge as Lucius Malfoy spits out his wine.

"Let us welcome, Severus, The Pure-blood chaser—slut," Lucius speaks through a microphone earpiece.

I recall my motivation for not going to these gatherings when I glanced up at my surroundings. I was indeed a slut, but I wasn't going after Pure Bloods; In all honesty, it was a coping mechanism for losing Lily to James Potter. I'm not too proud of it, but I assumed that would go away eventually, with time.

That doesn't appear to be the case, though.

"When was it my turn, or did I miss it already?" Lucius says teasingly,

My wand slipped to the palm of my right hand as laughter and indistinct voices mock me in the background.

"Oh, PureBlood, cleanse the mud blood out of me!"

Calm down, withdraw, I tell myself.

I smile as I clap my hands. Evan steps in front of me walks towards Lucius and grabs him by the tie.

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