J: 0.8 Just don't.

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"Did you mean what you said earlier? When you say that I'm adorable?" I ask softly.

Severus moved back a bit, causing my arm to loosen slightly from him.

"Why no, James Potter, there's nothing adorable about you,"

I blinked, but I didn't say anything.

Severus suddenly leans over to kiss me; he hovers his slender body over mine, he courteously touches me, but I'm not sure if that's intentional taunting or just one of his small trauma levels. I'm spellbound even though he doesn't even use magic. He opens his eyes slowly, watching me closely. I gasp as he spreads my legs again, my heart thrashing against my rib cage, breathing erratically, and my body writhing so much.

"Ahhh-oh Merlin, you're so hard, Sev."

Severus grinned.

"It's not fair that you're the only one that got to cum,"

He approaches me and plants a soft peck on my lips. I am reminded that he was out with Evan Rosier this evening and that they are enraptured with each other. Of course, he doesn't find me adorable.

Finally, my body and mind start talking to one other and I realize that I don't matter to him. The expression that spreads across his face tells me I'm just another piece on his gameboard.

"What's wrong, love?" Severus asks.

In reaction, I shake my head while enduring the pain in my chest that I have to ignore.

I allow him to finish inside of me, and when he does, he kisses the side of my right cheek and attempts to talk me into going to see Madam Pomfrey first thing the next morning.

Severus and I lay flat on the bed with our backs eyes facing the ceiling. He folded his fingers with my left hand, being cautious not to hurt me.

"What's on your mind, Potter?"

"If you truly are as evil as the way my son paints you to be, he wants me to apprehend you," I say,

Severus turns to the right to look at me.

"Then, why hadn't you apprehended me yet?" Severus asks,

"Lily," I respond,

A moment of silence brushes against us.

"Before she passed, she told me that I could apprehend every single Death Eater, with the mark, but to please spare you,"

Severus leans in to kiss me at that precise moment, a tear falling from his black eyes. We spent a considerable amount of time exchanging tastes through kissing, and his tears told me that he still had feelings for Lily, despite the Slytherins' portrayal of him. It doesn't matter to me if he is who Sirius claims he is or not; I want to get to know him and understand him the way that Lily does. Being in this situation may diminish my manhood, but I want to be able to love him.

"What's on your mind?" I return the question.

"Why you never wrote me any owl letters,"

I smile.

"Were you expecting me to?"

Severus blinks his eyes, his eyelashes gently brushed against my nose.

"Forget it."

"You were always on my mind," I whisper,

"...So were you," Severus utters softly, "But not in a good way,"

I'm satisfied with that honest response, at least I crossed his mind.

Shortly after, Severus nodded off, and I gave him one or two more kisses on the lips before turning in.

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