J: 14 The other side.

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Harry was encircled by the Order of Phoenix, who tried everything to get Tom Riddle out of him. After much struggle, Harry eventually fell asleep and is currently being closely observed by the ministry. The Ministry of Magic wishes to keep him imprisoned due to their fear of him losing control and for the quantity of people he has killed while under Tom Riddle's control.

After a few days, Sirius informed me that even if Severus is married to a member of the Black family, he will not be buried with the Black family. I told him it was fine, the Potter family would have him, and he would be buried next to Lily Potter, and when it's my turn, I want to be buried underneath the both of them.

A week later, the blood-stained castle was cleaned up, funeral plans were set, and friends were left feeling devastated by young, hurting individuals. In the huge hall, wands were held aloft while tears fell silently.

A few days afterward, I didn't know why the headmaster invited me to his office, but I figured it had something to do with Harry.

I sat across from the Headmaster, who held a pensive in his hand. He placed it on the small brown table and pushed it towards me. Without saying anything, he gestured towards the fountain, where I could pour the teardrop and view the memory.

I grabbed hold of it, got up, and walked to the fountain to pour it in. As soon as I was wrapped inside of the fountain, I saw flashbacks of Severus and the Headmaster's conversations. While it was reassuring to learn that Severus was a double agent, I found myself crying alongside him when I saw the memory of him witnessing Regulus being killed by the Inferi in the lake, helpless to do anything to save his husband.

"Reg!!" Severus's voice echoed, reaching his hand in the water,

"Don't!!!" Severus cried, "Please don't leave me alone in this world!"

Taking off his shirt, he rushes in the lake, but a protective barrier stops him from being able to draw near the water.

In the two years that followed, Lily died defending Harry. Severus arrived at our Godric Hallow house, sobbing while cradling Lily in his arms.

"Why? Lily...why do you have to leave me too?" Severus queries.

As he bawled about the two people he loved the most abandoning him in this harsh world, tears started to fall endlessly.

"Wake up to me, and take me with you..."

I couldn't help but wonder if he loved Lily and Regulus more than me. Memories of our past experiences, such as our intimate moments spent together in secret, his laughter, and the way he touched me, all came flooding back to me like an enigma.

Worping back to the Headmaster's balcony, The Headmaster, stood standing waiting for me.

"What can you do for the order, for Severus, James Potter?" the headmaster inquires.

I swallowed after taking a long breath.

"I'll become the Defense against the Dark arts professor along with becoming a Death Eater," I say firm.

The headmaster beams triumphantly.

"Then, I didn't even have to ask,"


Harry and I had a strained relationship as the years went by. Harry found it difficult to look me in the eye, much less want to be in the same room. Draco sticks close to me in the class I give, and he never complains, no matter how small the lesson is. In Harry's second year, there was a small confrontation about Severus.

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