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   "I'm beginning to become desperate, Floyd. Please just tell me what it is. You know it is very triggering to tease people and-"

"Alright!" Floyd chuckled. "It was just some kind of 'sugar-daddy' deal."

"Which means what?" Kankri asked relatively afraid.

"Someone will pay you to do what they want you to do." Floyd explained as Kankri's shoulders relaxed.

"That doesn't sound so bad." Kankri admitted.

"Most of the time, they'll ask you to do it in the bedroom, though."

Kankri's shoulders tensed up even more and face became red.

"You know how the job market is right now, Kankri."

"Yeah." Kankri sighed. "I'm going to put that on hold for right now, however. Save that for when I'm really desperate."

"Just come to me whenever." Floyd gave Kankri a pitiful look and patted him on the back. After work, he arrived home overworked and extremely fatigued. He walked into the kitchen and began to make dinner out of what they had in their cabinets and the pantry.

"I want to have a T.V." Karkat complained as he sat at the dinner table doing what he had left of his homework.

"Why is that, Karkat?" Kankri asked absentmindedly.

"Because all of my friend have T.V.'s and I don't." Karkat grumbled.

"I'll see what I can do for you. In the mean time, why don't you make me a list of what you want and maybe I can work something up for you." Kankri winced. He knew he was already working himself to the bone, but he also knew that he'd do anything to make sure Karkat was happy. The rest of the night went as usual and the next morning, Karat was already out the door and heading to school when Kankri woke up. He saw a three page long list from Karat waiting for him on the table. Since it was Wednesday, he only had two jobs to work at and that included the one with Floyd. That was the first job he had attended and when Floyd came into his sights, he asked to borrow his phone at his lunch break. When the break did finally come, he looked up all the prices for the things on Karkat's list and it came to a total of$15,363.56. He was clearly not going to be able to scrap together that much money without another job that the bills didn't take away every time.

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