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 "Is that so?" Kankri chuckled and started to pet Karkat's hair before he could feel Karkat nod. "I guess I'm not going to work today either?"

"No. It's fucking brother-bonding day." Karkat muttered into Kankri's stomach. Kankri chuckled before nodding in agreement and dropping the hug. He walked over to the small television and was about to turn on the cable he hooked up before Karkat left the room.

"Lets just watch this." Karkat walked back in with a movie player in hand.

"Where did you get that?" Kankri asked a little suspiciously.

"Chill the fuck out, Kankri. A friend let me borrow this." Karkat answered and sat on the couch. Kankri sat beside his brother and watched the movie play. He didn't know the title or what genre it was, he was just glad to have a quiet and content Karkat next to him. For the hour and a half that it played, Karkat was mostly quiet. Sometimes, he would comment on how dumb the characters were or how the casting for the movie could have been better. Afterwards, Kankri asked Karkat some questions about it and they completely bonded over it.

"What's the name of the genre this movie fits in?" Kankri asked. He was definitely intrigued and it didn't fit into any of the ones he knew.

"It's a rom com." Karkat explained and altered the answer so that he would understand. "A Romantic Comedy."

"Oh. That makes sense." Kankri nodded. "I think I really like 'Rom-Coms'."

"I do too." Karkat agreed before standing back up and retrieving a stack of what seemed to be ten other movies. The next three hours were spent binge watching the other movies. About half way though the fourth one, Karkat had fallen asleep on Kankri's shoulder. He paused the movie with a warm smile on his face and shook Karkat gently.

"What is it, Kankri?" Karkat asked as he rubbed his eyes.

"I still have to be at work in a couple minutes." Kankri spoke softly; not wanting to hurt his ears. Karkat huffed and nodded.

Working All Dayحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن