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   "I need to call an ambulance." Cronus spoke frantically as soon as the thought came.

"No." Karkat rejected. "We can patch him up here. The cuts aren't that deep and Kankri would actually talk to me when he wakes up."

"I guess so. I'll go get the-"

"Cronus." Kankri beckoned weakly. "Don't."

"Sorry, Kanny, but I have to." Cronus frowned because he didn't want to go against any of Kankri's wishes, but this was obligatory. He grabbed the first aid kit and handed it to Karkat before he was pushed out of the bathroom. The door shut behind him and had no choice but to sit outside the door and wait until Karkat was finished talking and cleaning Kankri's cuts. Half an hour later, the door opened slowly and limping out came a Kankri Vantas looking a little frightened and depressed. Cronus scrambled up onto his feet and looked frantically around his face before lightly setting his hands on both of Kankri's cheeks.

"I'm sorry I didn't die." Kankri apologized softly and avoided eye contact. Cronus just stood frozen as he felt his throat tighten up and tears ooze over his cheeks. He removed his shaking hands from Kankri's face and held himself as he leaned his shoulder on the wall he was sitting against not five minutes ago. He slowly began to hiccup as he sank back to the floor. He pulled his knees up to his chest and wrapped his arms around his calves as he hid his face in the space between his knees and chest.

"Cronus?" Kankri was a little unnerved by his reaction. Cronus didn't look up, but continued to silently sob. "Cronus, what's wrong?"

"This." He managed to choke out as he pointed to Kankri's stomach and peak his head out from where it sat.

"I thought you would be angry at me." Kankri admitted quietly as he crouched down beside Cronus.

"Y-ou'd think th-that." Cronus chuckled as his sobs calmed. "I could never be an-gry at you f-or long."

"Come here, Cronus." Kankri stood back up and offered both of his hands. Cronus simply looked up at him before accepting his hands and tugging himself up. Kankri then pulled Cronus in for a hug and felt him tense up. His arms were around his neck as Cronus snaked around his midsection; always being cautious of his stomach.

"I can't believe you would ever do such a thing." Cronus whispered.

"I can't believe you're acting like I have a baby." Kankri just joking. Cronus simply let his head go limp and fall into the crook of Kankri's neck. "Sorry."

"I don't know what I'd do with myself if you died, Kankri." Cronus admitted.

"What everyone else would do." Kankri answered.

"Hey, Karkat." Cronus called as he dropped the hug with Kankri, but held his hand. "Do you have a friend that wouldn't mind you sleeping over at their house?"

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