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"Wait! Kankri!" Cronus Dashed in and after a second, he dashed back out and to where Kankri stood. Breathless, Cronus handed Kankri a hundred dollar bill. "Here."

"It had only been half an hour, Cronus. You don't have to pay me this much." Kankri spoke as he raised his eyebrows and furrowed them together.

"You were with me for an hour. Just take it, Kanny."

"Is that what your going to start calling me?" Kankri asked with a smirk as he walked closer to Cronus.

"Only if you're okay with it." Cronus mumbled and wrapped his arms around Kankri's waist. Cronus simply could not take enough of Kankri. Kankri giggled and nodded.

"I hope we'll meet again, Cronus." Kankri smiled again as he kissed Cronus' nose.

"I'll see you tomorrow." Cronus whispered as he rubbed the tip of Kankri's nose against his own and let go.

"Tomorrow, then." Kankri smiled again and hesitantly walked home before he heard Cronus' footsteps fade away from him. Before heading home, he stopped by a phone store and talked to a person who sold him a phone as well as a couple other things. It was amazing what he could buy with one hundred dollars. Especially in a place where there wasn't much one could do to obtain that amount. Once he was home, he realized that Karat was already asleep and decided to place the new phone on the table. The next morning, Kankri was cooking what was left in the entire house and heard silence from Karkat. He presumed that he was pleased with Kankri's attempts at being a big brother and guardian.

"Have a good day at school, Karkat." Kankri called to to Karkat. The door closed a little softer than it did any other day. He rushed through his morning routine and jogged to work. An hour or so later, Someone in the mangers' office asked to talk to Kankri. It was the principle of the school Karkat goes to.

"Hello, Mr. Vantas. Is there any possible way you could pick up your child?" The woman on the other side asked with clear anger in her voice.

"May I ask why I need to come and get Karkat?" Kankri asked with a worried tone.

"All will be explained." The woman hung up.

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