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Kankri sighed and went to talk to the manager, but he seemed to understand without having a word spoken. Kankri silently thanked the man and dashed off in the direction of the school. Once he was in the office, he saw Karkat sitting in a chair across from the principle with an angry face.

"He hit one of his peers. He said it was because they were poking fun at his lifestyle along with both your and his own sexuality." The woman explained. Kankri turned to look at Karkat and saw that the expression wasn't just anger. It was more of a mix between sadness, embarrassment and anger. Kankri placed a soft hand on his brothers' shoulder and smiled at him when he looked up at him. There was a knock on the door and the Vantas brothers began walking to the door to leave and let whoever was on the other side in.

"One minutes please. Aren't you going to teach him some discipline, Mr. Vantas?" The woman asked a little more angered as the door opened a little.

Kankri stood frozen for a moment before he turned to her with an offended face. Kankri then held out his arm to keep Karkat behind him.

"Well?" She asked. "What are you going to do about this?"

"Excuse me, but I don't think it's your job to tell me what to do. My brother acts the way he does for a reason. Just like anyone else on this godforsaken planet. You cannot tell me that what he feels is wrong. Telling him what to do will do nothing but guarantee that he will pursue what he was told not to. It isn't until he is injured by the mistake he's made that he realizes that it is a mistake." Kankri continued to yell at the poor principle. He huffed as he took Karkat's hand and walked out of the room. When he exited the room, he saw a kid with a black eye.

"Excuse me, child. Are you the one who made fun of my brother and I?" Kankri crouched in front of him.

"Why?" The child answered anxiously.

"May I ask what you said about us?" He asked with seemingly glowing, red iris's.

"He said that we were gay and that you barely had enough money to send me to school" Karkat answered for the kid.

"Now what's wrong with being homosexual? I don't live my brothers' life, so I can only say that I am. Would you like to tell me what's wrong with it?" Kankri hissed. He watched the kid shake his head.

"Nothing is wrong with it, Mr. Vantas." The child muttered.

"Good." He spoke as he stood back up. "Have a wonderful day."

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