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The hills around Winterfell were quite beautiful, Valaena had to agree to that. As were the lakes Cregan showed her. She wanted to avoid talking about herself as much as possible. So she had taken to asking him as many questions as she could. While giving answers in questions too. So far, he didn't seem to notice.

On their ride back. Cregan asked Valaena if she was able to wield a sword. She frowned then. She hadn't ever been allowed. It was frowned upon, even for a Princess.

She shook her head at him. "Unfortunately no."

"Would you like me to show you?" Offered Cregan as he halted his horse.

They stood on top of a hill. A clear view of Winterfell spanned out in front of them. Valaena had to hold her breath for a moment, because despite her earlier complaints, Winterfell was magnificent. The rounding and structure massive and insane. As were it's outer walls.

Valaena stared it, her new home. She had to give in, she couldn't risk them hating her. She could sort her pain and troubles in private. She had to, if she was going to survive here.

"I'd like that." Mused the Princess as she cast her gaze back to Cregan. Offering him a smile.

Their eyes met, and for a moment Valaena hoped to be able to find something there. In that little window. Some connection perhaps. To make her new life better. She didn't want to give up on her old life, she wasn't ready, alas she had no choice. Tomorrow night she would be wed.

Valaena bit the inside of her cheek. Trying to refrain from further destroying her lip. She held his gaze still.

"Race you back to the castle?"

She was gone before he could answer. The wind blowing past her eyes. Her horse went so fast it made her eyes water.

She heard Cregan behind her, she didn't dare look back, instead she focused on the curve of the hill.

Perhaps if she wanted to she could race to Sapphire, Daemon was at the wall, Jacaerys' Dragon was much smaller than hers. She could get out.

She could get out and disappear.

She held her breath as she and the Horse named Ghost rounded a sharp corner. Riding into Winterfell's gates.

Valaena took deep breaths as she and her horse came to a stop.

She couldn't afford to hesitate. She had to make these people like her. So she tried to be calculated. She needed a strategy. Needed a future, here. Not forever but for now atleast.

Valaena turned her head to look at Cregan Stark as she got of her horse, she reached out her hand to pet Ghost, smiling at the gray horse.

"Do you like him." Valaena looked up at her soon to be husband. The way he pronounced your sounded more like yer. It made her smile lightly. She gave him a firm nod, "He's beautiful."

"He is yours Princess."

She blinked, confused as she tilted her chin. "Mine?"

"An early wedding gift." Promised Cregan as he handed his own horse to one of the stableboys. He placed a hand upon the horse' flank. "I've raised him myself, but he is yours Valaena."

"But why? Thank you Cregan."

She turned away from him, afraid to meet his gaze. She did not feel like she deserved this gift, she had been incredibly rude yesterday.

It was custom for both Royals and Ladies to go through this, marriage. She may have been betrothed to Aemond for the past few years, and she loved him. She did. Peasants may choose whom they married, or merchants. But she was neither, she rode a Dragon, she was next to Jacaerys. Her mother had told her so,  in line to the Iron throne. She was a Targaryen.

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