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Without her fanily accompanying her and Sapphire, Valaena managed to reach dragonstone in a day. Exhaustion had taken over her, and despite her husband's wishes to have her rest at the Vale, Valaena pushed through and arrived at DragonStone almost falling of her mount. She had fought her sleep but had managed to push through in the promise of reuniting with her family.

Upon her arrival Valaena was greeted by both her brothers and mother. The latter holding the hand of little Joffrey who came running right after Sapphire had once again taken to the sky. Valaena assumed the Dragon would find a resting place somewhere around the volcano island.

"Val!" Yelled Jacaerys as he too nearly lost his footing, the black rock beneath his feet slippery from early morning dew. Valaena breathed in his scent, happy to be reunited witth her twin."Jace." Valaena held onto him for a bit longer than she usually would, only letting go of him to wrap her arms around Lucerys. She kissed the top of his head before raising Joffrey on her hip and ruffling his dark curls.

"Mother!" Exclaimed Valaena as she put Joffrey back down and embraced her mother. "I'm eager to meet little Viserys."

Valaena couldn't keep her excitement at bay when meeting her new baby brother. She held him in her arms, singing to him in High Valyrian, forgetting all about her lack of sleep. It was dawn still, and after breaking her fast with her family, all while telling them that Summer had made a last stop in the North, but how cold it still remained, Valaena couldn't fight the sleep any longer. Her eyes had started to grow heavy and she still wished to visit King's landing this afternoon, so that she could dine there and then spend the rest of her last day with her family.

"I'm leaving for the capital near noon." Her voice sounded a little rough, once again she rubbed the sleep from her eyes, she could feel a yawn setting in.

"Valaena." Daemon had placed his cup down, looking at her as if he were warning her.

"I'll visit for a couple hours only, I miss Helaena."

"You shouldn't meddle with those Greens, especially after they've tried to use you for their own-"

"Well I was raised there, I wish to see Grandsire aswell, and I have friends at court."

"Such as?"

"Jane Wylde, Lord Wylde's daughter!"

Daemon scoffed, rolling his eyes at his stepdaughter, which caused her to turn more red in anger. "Daemon."  Warned Rhaenyra as she shook her hesd lightly, warning him. "When have you last bled-"

"Mom!" Exclaimed Valaena, her cheeks red with embarrassment now as well as anger. Jacaerys choked on his wine, coughing. Both Lucerys and Joffrey frowned, too young to understand. "You have consumated your marriage yes?" Drawled Daemon while leaning back in his chair and crossing his arm.

Valaena shook her head, pushing her chair back while scoffing. "I'm going to rest now, thank you."

She found no sleep however, staring at the ceiling of her bedroom for what seemed like hours. Eventuality Valaena spend an hour sitting on her balcony floor. Face in the sun and a book in her hand.

She hadn't realized she had been falling asleep untill a knock pulled her from the heavy embrace that promised sleep. She looked up. Her mother's face staring back at her."How have you been Mother."

"How have you been?"  Retorted Rhaenyra back as she mentioned for her daughter to come sit with her.

"I miss the ocean."

"You do understand why we have concerns on you visiting the capital, visiting Aemond... we cannot allow you to go."

"I've been wed for over two moons and yes- as much as I loathe discussing topics such as these with you and Daemon - we have consumated, and to think that I would even think of touching a traitor such as Aemond feels quite insulting."

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