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Valaena stepped back as Cregan mourned. Instead she chose to circle Winterfell on Sapphire, flying over hills and villages during the remainder of the day. Only near dusk did she return to Winterfell. She went to her chambers, asking the maidservants to dress her in appropriate Stark colours for Benjen's funeral. The older woman had left, and the maidservants dressed her in silence, safe for one who complimented Valaena on her hair, whispered that many in the North were gratefull for the Princess her care towards the young Benjen.

She felt strange, wearing the dark colours and heavy furs. When she went to exit her chambers, Cregan stood before her. He had washed himself, but still his eyes appeared red. He extended his arm to Valaena. "Laena." Breathed the Lord out. "I need to thank you, you and your Dragon. I'll have appropriate housing built for Sapphire."

Valaena smiled softly, thanking him by mouthing the words and taking his arm. "Maester Keltan and Old Claris told me of your devotion to Benjen. The said you took great care of him."

"I did naught but what could be expected." Promised Valaena as she averted her gaze.

"Laena." She froze as Carefell placed one hand on her arm. Urging her to look at him. "Thank you. I am sorry for disappearing on our wedding night. I am."

"Do not be, you are Lord of Winterfell. It is your duty."

"As you are it's lady, and I have not treated you as such."

Valaena swallowed, thinking on their consummation. Bearing an heir. Being a wife, to him. A stranger. A kind stranger.

"I intend to treat you well. We need not rush things, I want to make you happy."

Valaena didn't answer his promise, not as she stood besides him during Benjen's funeral. She felt out of place, a stranger. A foreigner, not welcome at such an intimate affair. Yet Cregan included her during every prayer, every rite. Down in the dark crypts, where Benjen was laid to rest, besides his father. Cregan clutched onto her arm, his eyes glued to the dark stone as he whispered a prayer.

After Benjen's funeral, Valaena offered to let Cregan be, have supper in her rooms, instead of the hall. Where a banquet was being held in remembrance. Cregan refused, stating that he did not intend on attending this new tradition that his uncle had insisted upon when his father died. A banquet, a remembrance, it seemed to southern. He apologized to Valaena for offending her customs. She shook her head. Targaryens burn their dead. Told Valaena her husband. We do not feast afterwards. She wondered why his uncle had installed a Southern tradition.

The same uncle who had sought to steal Cregan's seat. She understood why the remembrance irked him and went to leave him alone. Only for Cregan's eyes to silently beg her to join him.

They ate dinner in his chambers. A dining room adorned with Northern art. Tapestries woven in the images of Wolves and snowcapped mountains. The table was long, made out of dark smooth wood with carvings in it's side. The North migh have been dark, and it's buildings lacking colour, she marveled at the intricacy which adorned every windowsill, every door and chair.

"I'll have our blacksmith forge you a new seal." Spoke Cregan as he ordered for a servant to fill Valaena's cup. Already she smelled the sweet elderflower wine. "I'll send someone to visit him in the morning."

"Cregan- take your time. You need not haste."

"I've left you alone for nearly two weeks, Off to tend to my land while my wife, a foreigner sat abandoned in my keep, and my brother lay dying." Protested Cregan as he drank from his cup and met her eyes. "I'll forge you a new sigil, a Threeheaded Dragon with a Direwolf in it's middle."

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