Perfume (R)

431 8 33

(Inspired by a tiktok from @venomdoodles666)

Angel browsed another random stores' shelves, skimming past cheap jewellery and shitty makeup - he bought enough of them today, the many bags hanging from his second pair of arms proof of that. He stopped when he got to the perfume section, reading an interesting sign with the words 'NEW, LIMITED EDITION SCENT!' written on it. The sign also displayed what the bottle looked like, so Angel searched for it, intrigued by the expensive perfume. He found it quickly and picked it up, inspecting it further. Then, he stopped.

On the label, it read one word Angel had been banned from using - 'Catnip'. He smirked deviously, spraying a little onto his wrist to test the smell. To him, it smelled of nothing, but he knew that his boyfriend would have a very different reaction to it.
Laughing to himself, Angel strode over to the shops' counter and slammed it down confidently, making the weak cashier jump and shrink backwards. He shakily reached forward and scanned the Catnip Perfume, not breaking eye contact with the seductive spider who was raising an eyebrow at him.

"So, how much do I owe ya', darlin'?" Angel asked, leaning down on the counter to get closer to the cashier. But, the guy shrank down even further, almost on the floor with his knees tucked into his chest.
"It-it's free-!" He replied in a meek, quivering voice, before scattering away through a door that said 'Staff Only'. Angel shrugged and picked up the bottle, ripping the tag off and throwing it in the bin before striding out of the shop, dropping the perfume into one of the bags carelessly. He headed back to the Hotel with a sly grin on his face, excited for the mess he was about to cause.

__________(Just before Angel gets back to the hotel)

Husk groaned quietly and ignored the mess that was happening in front of him. While sat on the sofa, a bug had managed to crawl onto Sir Pentious' back, and now everyone in the hotel were desperately trying to protect him from Niffty as she chased him with a needle, stabbing everything in her way. Well, almost everyone was helping him - Husk was obviously stuck behind the bar, cleaning glasses and occasionally preparing drinks for Vaggie to throw at Niffty since she was allergic to anything that wasn't a cleaning supply (she drank drain cleaner to cure her hangovers), and Alastor sat in an armchair, silently smiling to himself as he watched everyone run around frantically.

"NIFFTY, LET GO OF MY HAIR!" Vaggie shouted, attempting to pick the crazy demon off of her without getting stabbed by her razor-sharp needle.
"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh..!" Charlie chanted under her breath, attempting to grab Niffty from behind but getting hissed at by the maniacal demon. She grabbed a pillow and threw it in their general direction, knocking the needle out of Niffty's hands, leading her to instead scratch her way up Vaggie's head to get to the cockroach.

"SHE'SSSSSS SSSCRATCHING ME!!!" Sir Pentious wailed as Niffty climbed up his back, staring directly at the bug. She was just about to stab directly into Sir Pentious' back, when-

"I'M BACK~" Angel Dust sang out as he burst through the front doors of the hotel, not shutting them behind him as he walked over to the bar confidently, completely ignoring Sir Pentious, Niffty, Vaggie and Charlie as they fussed about. He sat on a bar stool and placed all of his bags onto the counter, instantly waffling on about something Husk was too drunk to listen to and too sober to care about.
And, although he didn't seem to change at all, his headache lifted ever so slightly when the spider entered.

"-and, I bought this new perfume I think you'll love, babe. It was limited edition too, but I didn't have to spend anything cus of the cashier! Guy got so fuckin' scared to be in my presence, it's almost as if he's never seen a porn actor before~! Anyway, I-"
Husk tuned him out as he made Angel a drink, a small smile on his face.


__________(That night)

Angel lay on his bed on his phone, scrolling on different social medias while Fat Nuggets slept beside him. He sighed, putting his phone down. He was bored. It was late at night, and basically everyone in the hotel in their rooms so he had no one to annoy. He sat up suddenly, remembering something - everyone was in their rooms, except Husk. He stayed at the bar until the early morning as far as Angel knew. The Catnip Perfume in one of the many bags on his desk called to him, and he smirked. Sitting up, he grabbed the bottle.
"This is gonna be fun~" He giggled to himself, spraying it on his wrists, neck and chest.

Husk sat at the bar, drinking some cheap booze and falling asleep at the counter. Angel walked downstairs nonchalantly, sitting on the sofa and pretending to not notice how Husk sat up straighter, sniffing at the air as his pupils dilated. He put the alcohol down and creeped up behind Angel, attracted to the smell but unsure why. Quickly, he rubbed up against Angel's shoulders, licking his neck softly. Angel chuckled and put his phone down, scratching Husk's fluffy cheeks.

Husk stopped suddenly, running to the other side of the sofa and snuggling into Angel's chest, purring loudly. Angel stared at him, awe in his eyes, as the cat moved his hands to the top of his head, forcing Angel to pet him.
"You like that, kitty?" He asked quietly, ruffling his soft fur. Husk sat up and started licking his cheeks, making the spider laugh. "Aww, sandpaper kisses!" he said to himself. Husk simply purred louder, closing his eyes and curling into a ball in Angel's lap.

The two drifted off slowly as the night finally caught up to them, Angel sat on the sofa and husk sat on Angel. Husk purred all through the night, and Angel subconsciously twitched his fingers in his sleep, scratching the cat demon lightly through out the night without knowing.

__________(The next day)

Charlie woke up early in the morning, as usual, washing her face with cold water to wake her up. Vaggie stirred, the empty bed annoying her as she craved her girlfriend's warmth. Charlie laughed and dragged her out of bed, helping her get into the bathroom for a quick shower (Vaggie was a much heavier sleeper than Charlie, so it took a lot more to fully wake her up) while Charlie changed out of her pyjamas and laid out Vaggie's clothes for her. When both of them were dressed they began walking down to the hotel's lobby to set up the days' activities, chatting about what they might have for breakfast.

"-I don't know why, but I'm really feeling French toast today!" Charlie smiled, skipping a few steps in front of Vaggie.
"Do we even have the stuff to make that?" She replied, taking her time and letting Charlie walk in front of her.
"No, but we can get it! We can buy some eggs from- aawwwh!"

They stopped on the last few steps, looking over at the sofas. There, fast asleep, lay Angel and Husk. The girls smiled at them, unsure of how to approach them without waking them up and breaking their sweet spell.
So, they went back upstairs.

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