Pocky (R)

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Angel slouched on the hotel's lobby sofas, his long legs stretched out over Husk's lap, which didn't really bother the cat demon. Charlie rambled on about the the hotel and angels and her dad and blah blah blah, they weren't really listening to her. Husk was chugging away at a bottle of booze mindlessly, and Angel was scrolling on his phone. His stomach growled quietly and he frowned, sitting up. 
"I'm gonna get somethin' to eat, want anythin'?" The spider asked. Husk looked at him groggily and shook his head, going straight back to his drink. Angel shrugged and stood up, putting his phone in his pocket.

"Angel! Where are you going?" Charlie questioned, frowning.
"Kitchen." He responded bluntly, beginning to walk away.
"Wait! We were just about to do our first activity of the day?" She calls to him, but he just shrugs.
"Do it without me, sugar, I'll catch up in a few'!"
Vaggie notices Charlie's sadness and calls out to Angel. "If you were listening, you'd know that this activity involves food?"

Angel turns back around, his interest piqued. "Oh yeah? Tell me 'bout it." He grins, sitting on the arm of the sofa next to Husk, crossing one leg over the over. 
Charlie squeals and stands up, running to the middle of the sofas. She pulls out a small, rectangular cardboard box, smiling brightly. 
"This is the 'Pocky game'!" She sang, opening the box and taking out a long, thin biscuit covered in chocolate apart from the tip. Charlie handed Husk the now opened box and ran over to Vaggie, whispering short words of encouragement. "You put one end it your mouth, and your partner puts the other end in their mouth! Then, you both bite towards the middle, until you kiss!" She puts the chocolate covered end in her mouth, gesturing to her girlfriend impatiently.

Vaggie rolls her eyes and smiles, biting the other end. The two eat the stick slowly, until they reached the middle and they shared a quick kiss. Angel watched with a smirk on his face, while Husk cringed and looked away.
"No fuckin' way I'm doin' that lovey-dovey bullshit." He groaned, taking another swig.
Angel pulled the bottle away from him and leaned in close, making Husk growl. "Awww, what's the matter, kitten? Too scared to kiss little old me~?" He teased, pinching Husk's cheek as he glared at him, baring his fangs. 

"He doesn't have to do it if he doesn't want to, Angel." Vaggie frowns, crossing her arms. Angel rolls his eyes and stands up, taking the Pocky box from Husk and handing him the almost empty bottle. 
"Well, I'm bored. See ya later, toots!" He winked at all three of them, walking up the stairs and getting his phone back out. 

__________(Half an hour later)

While cleaning a glass, Husk zoned out completely. He was tired, drunk, hungover and bored. He thought back to the day, remembering basically nothing as he didn't do anything all day. He and Angel had drank together, learnt about the Pocky game, lounged about, played with Fat Nuggets - they learnt about the Pocky game. Husk's face glowed a shade of pink, and he scowled to himself, annoyed at his own embarrassment.
He'd never kissed Angel before, seeing as they hadn't been dating for too long, and he knew the spider would never be opposed to it. They just never got around to it. At least, that's what he told himself. He knew that he had been shutting Angel's requests down, genuine or not, and though he knew that Angel never took it to heart, he still felt slightly shitty. 

Husk remembered that Angel had brought the Pocky box upstairs to snack on it, so there was a chance that they had finished ages ago. But, there was also a chance that there was still a few left. And that was a chance he was willing to take.
The cat demon slowly walked up the stairs of the hotel, creeping up to his boyfriend's bedroom and hesitantly knocking on the door.
"Angel?" He shouted out, and the door was instantly opened.

Behind the door was Angel, wearing his pyjamas, an off the shoulder fluffy pink top with white short shorts and knee high pink and white striped socks, grinning at him in suspicion and pride.
"Whatcha doin' outa ya cage at night, kitty~?" He teased, leaning forward and down so his face was a few inches away from Husk's. But, unlike any other time Angel had done that to him, he didn't react. He kept his face the same neutral-yet-slightly-vulnerable expression, and that interested the spider. "Oh? Feelin' brave tonight, pussycat?" 
Husk sighed, looking to his left then right to make sure that no one was around to hear them. Then.. "...You still got that Pocky shit?"

Angel grinned in surprise, straightening his back and smiling down at him. "Come on in~"
Husk entered the room and stood with his hands in his pockets awkwardly while Angel shut the door. He flopped himself down on the bed and grabbed the Pocky box, checking the contents. "Just one left, so you better make it count~" He sang, sitting on the edge of the bed with his legs crossed, biting on the chocolate side and waiting. 

Slowly, Husk made his way towards him, standing in front of Angel awkwardly. He didn't know where to put his hands or anything, and it was obvious. Angel chuckled gently to himself, moving his hands from his pockets to his own shoulders before placing his own hand on his fluffy cheek. "Go ahead, babycakes~" He invited reassuringly. 
Hesitantly, Husk bit onto the other end. He closed his eyes to dim his embarrassment, making Angel even more determined to fluster him. The spider demon leaned forwards, biting quicker than Husk to get to him faster. Then, he stopped. Husk opened his eyes, looking at Angel. 

One bite left. 
A shiver ran up Husk's spine. One bite and his lips would be touching Angel's. He wasn't sure if he could make the move, but he didn't need to. Without warning, Angel took the last bite, leaning forward and placing his hand on Husk's cheek as he kissed him softly. Angel wanted more than anything to take Husk's breath away, but for once he decided to take it slow. The kiss didn't last too long, but holy fuck was is memorable. Pulling away, Angel licks his lips, laughing at Husk's wide eyed awe. 

"Was that good enough for ya?" He teased, scratching Husk behind the ear. The cat demon took a quick step backwards, coming to his senses. He turned his back to Angel and folded his arms, internally screaming but deciding that he'd been vulnerable enough. 
"Aawwwh! Too embarrassed to look me in the eyes, whiskers?"
"Fuck off."

Angel laughed even more as Husk fled the room, slamming the door behind him. He rolled his eyes, tossing the empty box into the bin and lying on his bed. He laid on his back and stared at the ceiling, smiling to himself and imagining all the other things he could do with Husk. Fat Nuggets waddled over and laid on his chest, and Angel chuckled, snuggling up with him.


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