The bar (R) pt. 1

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(Idea credits: @Its_Kingston and @whyareyoulikethi5 )
(Human AU) 
(Quick note in the comments)

Angel walked down the streets, scrolling on his phone with a bored expression and standing tall as always. He wasn't necessarily a celebrity, but he was definitely famous enough to be recognised daily. He was known for many things - his acting in small movies, his good looks, but mainly his singing. Angel never had lessons or anything like that, he was just a naturally good singer, and by fuck was he proud of it. Everyone who knew him had been victim to his boasting, and no matter how many dirty looks they gave him or polite attempts to change the subject, he never shut up. That was one of the many reasons people didn't like him, but he couldn't care less.
One of his main sources of income was a club his 'friend' Valentino owned, but sometimes when he felt like gracing new people with his presence he would perform at smaller bars. That very day he had a gig booked in the evening, and he was on his way to the bar to meet the owner. Apparently it was some well-known guy who was an infamous gambler, who used to work at a casino the bar was in association with- you'd go to the bar until you were drunk enough to be persuaded into gambling next door. Angel wasn't much of a gambler, but he respected it enough to try and get on good terms with the owner. So, he got in contact with him and, luckily enough, his offer for a meeting before his first gig was accepted.

He turned the corner and looked up to see the bar, grinning to himself and putting his phone into his back pocket. He placed both of his hands behind his head and strode into the bar, walking in to talk with an employee. The person behind the counter was fairly good looking, she had her brown hair up in a loose bun and her glasses on the tip of her nose. Angel could imagine Val making her a big star, but that was a conversation for another time. 
"Hiya toots, can I speak with ya for a sec'?" Angel questioned, making her jump in surprise. She nodded, putting the notepad she was writing in to one side. "I've got a meeting with ya boss, d'ya know where I can find 'im?" 

The woman paused, seemingly trying to remember her boss' whereabouts. "He should be in his office." She spoke in a small voice. "If you head up to the top of those stairs and turn right, you'll find a door with his name on. Be sure to knock before you enter, he doesn't take kindly to people who aren't polite." 
Angel nodded, taking a mental note of her instructions. "Got it, thanks sweetie." He winked at her before walking away, making her blush softly.

 He walked up the stairs, not even breaking a sweat. His tall, thin body allowed him to do many things, which made a large amount of people very envious of him. Just another things for him to brag about. 
Angel reached the top floor, turning right as the woman instructed and being met with an ominous door with a nameplate, just as she said. He simply chuckled, fixing his hair before knocking on the door. If he was going to make a good first impression, he sure as hell wasn't going to look like a slob. That's why he chose an outfit that showed off his tall figure and curves, perfect to get on peoples good sides. A deep voice called out to him to tell him to come in, making him smirk. 

Pushing open the door, Angel saw a small room with a spruce wood desk, initially unphased by it's mundane appearance. Then, he made eye-contact with the person behind the desk, and his heart almost stopped. There sat a man with dark skin and messy black hair, his eyes a light brown that stood out against his face. His outfit was messy-formal, a white button up shirt with the top few buttons undone and tight black suspenders to match his loose bow tie. The man instantly recognised Angel, closing his laptop and pushing it to one side. "You must be Anthony." He stated, making Angel shiver. 

"Call me Angel, hun." He smirked, pushing his immediate feelings down to bring his confidence back up. "You the boss I'm meetin'?"
"Yes, I am." The man responded, gesturing for Angel to sit on the armchair in front of the desk. "I'm sure you know my name, but feel free to call me Husk. That's my nickname in the business." Angel sat on the chair, slouching comfortably. 

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