Literally just a cold (-)

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Angel whines, burying his face in his pillow. Far Nuggets rubs the back of his head with his snout, concerned for him. Angel felt pathetic. He had delt with worse before ; he'd had horrible hangovers, drug comedowns, injuries and abuse and everything horrible under hell's sun, so why did a simple cold feel so fucking awful? He didn't even know you could get a cold in hell, but apparently he was wrong. And he was not enjoying it.

His bedroom door creaked open and he groaned, his head pulsing. Someone entered his room quietly, closing the door behind them and walking over to Angel and crouching down by the bed. 
"Look at me." The person said, revealing themself to be none other than Angel's kind of friend kind of flirt victim kind of bully victim, Husk. He turned his head to look at the cat demon, pouting up at him. "How you feeling?" Husk asked blankly as he pulled something out of his pocket. 

"Shitty." The spider grumbled, his voice sore and scratchy, planting his face firmly back into his pillow. Husk sighed and tugged at his hair, forcing Angel to sit up. "Hey- fucking ow!" He complained, rubbing the back of his head with one hand, crossing his second pair of arms across his stomach and fluffing up his chest. Husk stuck a thermometer into his mouth, not listening to the non-stop grumbling spouting from Angel's mouth. After a few seconds, he pulled the thing out, checking the number and clicking his tongue in a disapproving way.

"Ugh.. how did you even get a fuckin' cold?" Husk asked, putting the thermometer away.
Angel rolled his eyes, sitting on his bed like a child that just finished throwing a tantrum. "I don't fuckin' know, I just did, okay? Now leave me alone, I gotta get over this before work tomorrow.." 

Husk pinched the bridge of his nose, already irritated. "It ain't gonna get better if you leave it, dumbass. I'll see if I can find any medicine or some shit." He stated, standing up and heading to the door. 
"Whiskers?" Angel called out to him, clearing his throat and laying back down on his bed, this time on his back.
"Why are you helping me?"

Husk stopped. He turned around to look at Angel, noticing the vulnerable glint in his eyes as he sniffled. He didn't see that very often, and he still wasn't sure how to react to it. Whether to feel honoured or sympathetic or both or neither or anything, he wasn't sure. He turned back to face the door.
"..Felt like it." He said before leaving the room, closing the door behind him gently. 

Angel sighed, pulling his bed's quilt over top of him. Fat Nuggets sat on his chest, quickly settling down and falling asleep. He smiled gently, scratching the top of his pig's head and settling down too, closing his eyes. 

__________(Half an hour later)

By the time Husk re-entered the room, Angel was fast asleep, cuddled up in fetal position with Fat Nuggets on his pillow next to his head. The cat nearly decided to wake him up, but chose not to. He placed the box of medicine he just bought on Angel's nightstand, along with a glass of water. Then, he left the room. 

The creak of the door closing softly made Angel stir, groaning quietly. He opened his eyes, seeing no one in his room. He sat up slowly and smiled at Fat Nuggets, petting him softly. Coughing, he looked around his room to see if Husk had been back yet or not. He noticed the items on his nightstand and picked up the box, skimming over the intake instructions and opening it, taking out a few pills and taking them with a sip of water. His throat instantly felt relieved and he sighed, taking another drink from the glass. 

"That fuckin' cat.." He whispered to himself, rolling his eyes and laying back down, hugging Fat Nuggets to his chest. He closed his eyes and slowly allowed himself to go to sleep, hoping that when he woke up his cold would be no more.

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