The bar (R) pt. 2

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(Idea credits: @Its_Kingston and whyareyoulikethi5 )
(Human AU)
(TW in the comments)

It was nearly 10:30, and Angel was walking to the bar. He had just gone through hell for the most part of two and a half hours, dealing with Velvette making him try on hundreds of outfits just to hate all of them, and then deciding what shoes, bag and makeup would go with the outfit they finally settled on. He ended up wearing a tight scarlet suit with black accents, his eye makeup matching his baby pink hair and handbag. He scrutinized every detail of his overall look in the mirror, praying that Husk wouldn't notice that the left eyeliner wing was slightly shorter than the right, or the few creases on his suit jacket. He eventually sighed, glancing at the time and calculating how long it would take to walk to the bar from Velvette's office. 
He found himself standing outside the bar, too nervous to enter for some reason. It should just be another gig in a small bar, so why did it mater so much? Husk's words rang through his ears, his deep voice soothing Angel and yet making his breath hitch in his throat. "What time is your gig tonight?" "10:45. Will I see ya there?" "Yes, you will."

Angel smoothed back his hair, exhaling slowly before walking through the door, instantly being met with a crowd of fans, eagerly awaiting his arrival. People practically screamed his name as he made his way to the small stage, blowing kisses to different people and posing for random photos as always. He held himself high as a worker introduced him, his eyes searching the crowd for the one man that mattered. Then, they made eye contact.
Husk was sat in the 'VIP' area by himself, smirking directly at Angel in anticipation, and Angel grinned right back. Husk wore basically the same outfit as when Angel met him, only less scruffy. It was obvious that he put the effort into making himself seem presentable, making Angel's heart race even faster. His top buttons were done up and his bowtie fastened tightly, his outfit accompanied by a large suit jacket which he hung on the back of his chair.

The worker walked off of the stage and allowed Angel to take the mic, the background music beginning to play. He stood forwards confidently, maintaining eye contact with Husk as he began to sing. 
As soon as the first few notes left his mouth, the entire room went quiet, allowing Angel to be everyone's one and only focus. His voice was sweet in all the right ways, matching with the music. His head voice was surprisingly strong, the switches between chest and head flawless and barely recognisable. Husk lost himself in Angel's song, the meaning of each word being communicated to him easily. Every high note, every low note, every riff and crescendo sent shivers up his spine. The Angel on stage was completely different to the Angel he met merely hours ago, still incredibly attractive and confident yet somehow so much more himself. Husk could feel his face growing warm as he watched him perform, finding himself inexplicably unable to tear his eyes away from him for even a second. 

By the time the song was over, every single person person in the bar had their eyes on him. A few seconds of silence followed the ending, before everyone erupted into applause. People screamed, cheered, cried; even Husk clapped for him, who was infamous for showing little to no gratification for anyone. Angel smiled brightly at the attention, chuckling as he walked off stage. 

Husk exhaled shakily as the next person was introduced onto the stage, but no one reacted the same. "Must suck to be that guy, tryin' to be as good as Angel was." He muttered to himself, taking a swig of his drink.
"Oh, so ya liked it then?" 
Angel spoke up from behind him, making him jump slightly. 

Husk scoffed, pulling out a chair for Angel to sit in next to him in the VIP section. "You kiddin' me? Kid, you got talent. That show was fuckin' incredible." He praised, making Angel smile widely. For a split second, Husk thought he saw genuine happiness from Angel, but it quickly turned into cocky self confidence. 
"Yeah, I've been told that before." He boasted, making Husk chuckle and roll his eyes. 
"I'm sure ya have." 

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