The bar (R) pt. 3

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(Credits to: @Its_Kingston and @whyareyoulikethi5)
(Human AU)

Angel woke up hours later, his injuries stinging back to life. Val was nowhere to be seen, having left Angel's clothes discarded on the floor. He deserved it. At least, that's what Val said. Who was he to call Val a liar? He sat up as quickly as he could, groaning as quietly as possible incase Val was somewhere near and could hear him. He picked up his clothes and put them on with shaky hands, wanting more than anything to leave. When he had finished getting changed he stood up, stumbling to the door, his legs shaking uncontrollably. He fell into the doorway, knocking over a vase loudly. He cursed under his breath, hoping Val wouldn't have heard him. 
His hopes went unanswered. 

Footsteps approached and he tensed up, running out the open door as fast as he could. He heard Val call his name, but he kept running. He sprinted down the stairs and out the club's back door, having no time to lose. He knew Val was on his trail, so he needed to find somewhere and fast. Val knew where he lived, and where he worked, and basically everywhere he'd ever been, so where could he go??? The only place he could think of that could maybe help him hide was only down the street, so that's where his legs took him. People shot him strange looks as he bolted away from the club, covered in blood with his clothes barely on, tripping at every other step. He sometimes heard Val shouting his name, but that only made him run faster. 

He reached the bar and burst through the doors, running to the counter. The bartender was the same person as earlier, and at first he shot Angel an annoyed look, but when he realised the state he was in quickly changed his expression to one of concern. 
"Where's Husk?!" Angel shouted at him, panting and glancing over his shoulder every single second to check if Val was there.
"Office." The bartender responded, and Angel wasted no time sprinting to the stairs. 

He reached the top in no time, banging desperately on Husk's office door. "Husk?! You in there?! Please, let- let me in! He'll- he'll find me, he's on his way, PLEASE!" He pleaded at the door, tears pouring down his face and irritating the slash in his cheek. 
Husk opened the door to see a distressed, injured and panicked Angel, immediately letting him inside and slamming the door behind them both to calm Angel even slightly.

"What's going on? Jesus Christ, you're a mess! Angel, what happened?" Husk asked quickly, noticing how shaky he looked and ushering him into the armchair. 
"I- I can't explain now, there's no time! V-val, he's coming, he could be here already, don't let him find me please!" He begged, unable to sit still in his terrified state. 
"Val? Who's Val, Angel?" Husk asked, placing his hands on Angel's shoulders to steady him. 

"The- the guy we talked about, yesterday, who tried to- to throw someone at you? He's pissed at me, j-just please!" 
Husk didn't need to hear anymore, now that he knew who he was dealing with. He picked Angel up bridal style and quickly brought him to the other side of his desk, placing him underneath and tucking the chair in to make it seem like Angel wasn't there. "I'll be back in a minute. Focus on your breathing for me, okay? I'll deal with this 'Val' fucker." 
Angel nodded quickly, letting Husk leave the room and lock the door behind him. 

Husk stormed down the stairs, meeting with the bartender who was still shaken up by Angel. He noticed Husk was there when he joined him behind the bar, picking up a glass and cloth to pretend to clean. "Boss? What happened to that kid? 'S he safe?" 
"No. Right now, I'm not your boss. I'm your co-worker and our boss is in the casino next door." He instructed sharply, making the bartender nod, intimidated. 

Right that second Valentino kicked the door open, running inside with an indescribably pissed off expression on his face. He ran to the bar and glared at both of them, not seeing Angel anywhere.
"Have either of you fuckers seen Angel?!" He shouted, making both of them look around awkwardly. 

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