A favour for a favour (R)

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Angel sat at the bar and sipped his drink, grinning at Husk as he struggled to deal with drunk Niffty. She tugged at his ears, digging her sharp finger nails into his fur. She had almost ripped up his top hat earlier on, but Husk threw it to Angel to take care of. That, however, was the only help he would accept.

"You sure you don't need me to take care of you, Husky~?" The spider teased, leaning his head in his palm and simply watching. Husk sighed, attempting to ignore the demon crawling around the top of his head. She giggled, ripping out a tuft of his fur.
"For my collection..." Niffty whispered to herself, continuing to laugh. 

The cat demon managed to deal with it, albeit growling at her from time to time. When she bit into his ear, however, he caved. "Fuck this!" He yelled, shaking his head at an ungodly speed to get her off, but she persisted, hanging on by her teeth. Angel took that as Husk's cry for help, picking Niffty off of him with ease. He tossed her over his shoulder, letting her land of the floor with a thud before giggling and scurrying off somewhere. 

"Took ya long enough." He chuckled, placing the top hat back onto Husk's head. He didn't retort with anything particularly rude, but he still glared at Angel, fixing his hat. Angel finished his drink, taking one last sip before sliding it across the counter to Husk with a wink. He rolled his eyes and began to clean the glass, but the spider gently placed one hand on the cloth, stopping him from continuing. "I have a gift for ya upstairs~" 

"Fuck d'ya mean, a gift?" Husk questioned, placing the glass and cloth down. Angel smiled at him, standing up from his chair. He took Husk's hand softly, gesturing to his nails. 
"Yesterday I found some shades of nail polish that'd really suit ya, toots. You don't have to, but I think even a grumpy kitty like you deserves to be pampered every once in a while~"

Husk's face lights up a shade of red and he quickly pulled his hand away from Angel, folding his arms but not backing away from him. Hesitantly, he nodded his head, and the demon sat across from him chuckled. Angel led him upstairs and into his bedroom, closing the door behind them. He went to his bedside table, petting Fat Nuggets quickly before pulling open a drawer. Inside the drawer was an assortment of skincare products, lotions and potions, makeup and nail polish. 

"Jeez.. whadaya even need all that shit for??" Husk questions, bewildered by the mass amounts of seemingly useless shit. Angel rolls his eyes, picking through the mess only to pull out multiple small bottles - a dark grey, a red, a white and a gold. Husks' pupils dilated as he stared at them in a state of awe. The spider laughed, pulling up a chair next to his desk and sitting in it, smirking at Husk. 
"Ya like 'em, whiskers?" He asked, placing them onto the desk. "Knew ya would, now come 'n sit down!" 

Husk walked over slowly, sitting in the chair as stiff and awkward as ever. Angel raised his eyebrows and the cat demon grumbled, placing his hands on the table. Unscrewing the first bottle, Angel gently pulled the brush out of the liquid. "Keep ya hand still now, or else it'll turn out shit." He instructed, placing his own hand on top of Husk's to steady it. 

Stroke by stroke, Husk's nails transformed into a work of art. Every soft brush of Angel's hands on his, every puff of breath that left Angel's mouth to dry the colour, every little movement and touch sent shivers up Husk's spine. By the time it was finished, he wasn't ready for it to end. 

"There we are! Whadaya think?" He asked, proud of himself and seeking Husk's praise for his hard work. The cat demon simply stared at his hands, saying and doing nothing. 
"It.. it looks good." He managed to say, silently starstruck.

Angel was slightly disappointed by the lack of verbal expression, but was still pleased with the response. "I know right?" He chuckled, standing up and putting the bottles back. When he opened the drawer, Husk spoke up again. 
"Well.. whadaya want me to do?" 

"Hmm?" Angel hummed, confused by the question. 
"Y'know, you scratch my back I scratch yours. But I ain't doin' no perverted shit, if that's what you're thinkin'!" He quickly stated, his voices volume raising. Angel laughed, taken aback by the absurdity of his words.

"You ain't gotta do nothin' for me! I know I'm a selfish prick, but I'm not shitty enough to do somethin' like that!" He rolls his eyes, dropping the nail polish into the drawers and closing it. "Not unless you're offerin', cus I have a few ideas for what we can do~" He teased, walking back over to him and ruffling the fluff of his cheeks. Husk growled and swatted his hand away, careful not to damage his new nails. 

"Nothin' weird, but I don't wanna be a dick. 'Specially to you.." He whispered the last sentence, and sighed in relief when Angel didn't react to it. 
"Well, if ya wanna do somethin' for me..." He said, leaning forwards to whisper in his ear. "You could always let me play with your hair n treat ya like a wittle kitty~" 

Husk instantly jumped up away from Angel's smirk. "You- you fuckin' kiddin' me?!" He yelled, but when Angel didn't respond with his usual sexual joke or even a suggestive wink, he blushed even more. But, since he knew it wasn't anything sexual... he wasn't opposed. 

Wordlessly, he agreed, making Angel smile wider. He pulled him over to the bed, throwing him down onto the seemingly endless pillows and blankets and letting him land softly before laying down next to him, pulling him close to him chest. Angel pulled out his third pair of arms and wrapped them around Husk's waist, his second pair of arms hugging his middle. His first pair of arms went up to the top of the cat demon's head, burying his fingers in the fur. 
Almost immediately, a low purr escaped Husk, never-ending and almost growing in volume.
"Ya like that, kitty?" Angel whispered. Unlike the times he had whispered to Husk before, he didn't say it with any sexual themes whatsoever. And that only made Husk enjoy it more. 

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