Midnight snack run (R)

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Angel snored softly, holding Husk close to his chest and resting his chin between the cat demon's ears. Husk, on the other hand, was wide awake. It's not like he wasn't comfortable - every time he and Angel cuddled he never wanted to let go - and he was definitely tired, he just couldn't get to sleep. Why? 

He had an unexplainable craving for dark chocolate. He wasn't even that much of a fan of chocolate so he had no idea why, but he couldn't wish the want away no matter how much he tried. 

It was getting to be uncomfortable, how much he wanted it. But he didn't want to move and wake up Angel, especially after he had such a long day. He buried his face into Angel's chest, his fluff tickling Husk's face in just the way he liked. Slow nights like this were his favourite - no words needed to be spoken, nothing sexual, just them and the pillows and blankets. This craving was irritating him, because it was an interruption to their night. He grumbled under his breath, wishing he wasn't to antsy and that he could just enjoy the moment. 

Angel stirred, pulling an arm away from Husk's side to rub the sleep from his eyes. "..Husk?" He mumbled, making the cat demon curse under his breath. "You okay?" Angel asked, pulling his head away to study Husk's face. He looked very melancholy, almost upset with himself. 
"...I'm fine. Just.. hungry." He said slowly, still groggy from lack of sleep. 

"Hungry?" Angel responded, chuckling a little. He scratched Husk's cheek, making him purr softly. "Watcha hungry for, kitty?" There was no ill intention behind Angel's voice, only a warm invitation for Husk's honesty and vulnerability.
"...Dark chocolate." He mumbled, making Angel giggle again. 
"Whiskers wants some chocolate?" He teased, making the cat bury his face into his chest to avoid eye contact. "Go grab some chocolate then, but be quick about it, you're comfy." 

Husk groaned, not wanting to move. "Don't have any..." He said slowly, hugging up to Angel's paper thin waist - despite how small he was, he was surprisingly comfortable. "..but I want some." 
Angel laughed softly, playing with Husk's hair and petting him like a cat. "You can't have any without gettin' any, sugar, that's just how it works."
Husk groaned again, shaking his head. "I want it, though..." Angel rolled his eyes and sighed simultaneously, knowing what Husk was trying to ask him.

"..Do ya want me to go out and buy ya some?" He finally says, making Husk whip his head up to look him in the eye. "If ya wan' it that badly, I can get ya some." 
Husk nods slowly, letting go of him no matter how much as he didn't want to. Angel got up out of bed and made sure Husk was still fully covered with the blankets. He grabbed his coat and kissed Husk on the forehead, scratching behind his ears. "I'll be back in a few, 'kay?" He reassured. 

Husk hummed quietly, making the spider chuckle. He stood up fully and walked to the door, winking at Husk before shutting the door behind him and heading to the hotel's main staircase. "Fuck, that cat is cute.. all cuddled up in my bed like that..." He whispered to himself, exiting the hotel and walking down the streets as quickly as he could. 
He reached the shop quicker than he expected, entering it with haste. The shopkeeper jumped up from her nap on the counter, fixing her glasses to see who came into the shop. Angel searched the isles for barely a second, finding a stack of dark chocolate bars and picking them all up. He slammed them down on the counter in front of her, pulling out his money. 
"Whaddo I owe ya, toots?" 

She shivered, scanning the bars as quick as she could. "U-uhm, £15.75, please..!" She muttered in a shrill voice, jumping as Angel slammed a £20 note on the counter. 
"Keep the change, sweetheart." He said blankly before grabbing the chocolate bars, shoving them in his pockets and striding out the door. 

The walk back to the hotel almost felt longer than the walk away, but knowing he arrival would mean making Husk happy led him to almost running back. He jogged up the hill and entered quietly through the front doors, taking the stairs 3 at a time. The second he opened his bedroom door he started smiling widely, watching as Husk looked up sleepily. 
"Hiya, whiskers~" He grinned, stepping inside the room and shutting the door behind him. Husk sat up slowly, still wrapped in the blankets like a little old lady. "Guess what I got for ya?" Angel teased, bringing one of the dark chocolate bars out and making Husk gasp. The spider chucked him the bar and he caught it instantly, unwrapping it and taking a bite. Husk purred loudly, taking another large bite. Angel walked over and sat next to him, taking all the other bars out and putting them in his lap, chuckling at the cat's excited reaction.

"This better have been worth it, cus I'm tired." Angel yawned, pulling the covers up and sliding his legs underneath, leaning on Husk's shoulder and closing his eyes. Husk simply continued to eat the chocolate, savouring every bite yet rapidly devouring each bar. By the time he had eaten all of them, Angel was fast asleep by his side, hugging onto his arm lightly and snoring quietly. Husk decided to stay sitting up, not wanting to disrupt the spider's sleep. He tossed all of the sweet wrappers onto the floor, reminding himself to clean it up the next day. 
He closed his eyes and matched his breathing with Angels, allowing him to hold onto him tighter in his sleep. The cat demon slowly drifted off and met with Angel, the two of them falling into a deeper sleep in each other's security.  

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