Chapter 11.

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The next day, Wren walked into the room all the 'kids' were in with Janson. Wren simply walked away from him and over to Aris, who was sitting on his own with his hood up.

"This is a horrible plan." He hissed to her so no one else heard.

"It might just be horrible enough to work." She replied with a whisper, smiling at him. "Did you tell the others?"

"I told Thomas, he knows what to do." Aris looked over to another table and Wren followed his gaze, her eyes locking with Newt's as the people on that table looked over.

"Good." Wren mumbled then turned to look back at Aris

Minho hit Newt across the back of the head so he would look away from Wren and Aris.

"What was that for?" Newt winced, rubbing the back of his head

"Stop staring." Minho told him

"Do you know that doctor?" One of the other boys on the table asked

"Doctor?" Newt asked, shaking his head, "No, she's not a doctor."

"Yes, she is. That's Doctor Paige, but all the staff call her Wren." The boy told him, and Newt looked at Minho, then at Thomas, Frypan, and Winston. That's when the boy leaned closer to whisper, "They say that she got into an accident here two years ago and completely disappeared, then she came back a few days ago... but injured."

"Injured? How was she injured?" Thomas asked

"She has a limp and bandages around her middle." Another boy chimed in

"But no one's been able to talk to her about it without drawing attention to themselves." The previous boy added

Janson stopped calling the names and looked around before leading some kids out the room.

"Okay, I think all we can do is not draw attention to ourselves then." Newt said

Then, Thomas got up and walked to the door, glancing over at Aris and Wren who had looked over at him.

"What's he doing?" Newt asked

"I think he's drawing attention to himself." Frypan replied

Wren stood up and walked over to Thomas, stopping him by putting her hand on his chest. "Thomas, where do you think you're going?" She asked

"I just wanted to-." Thomas began

"I think you should sit back down." She looked up at him

Thomas sighed and turned around, before  quickly turning back round to her and pushing past her, but the guards at the door held him back. The guards pushed Thomas back, but he ran back at them.

"What are you doing?" Wren pulled him back as the others walked over

"What were you thinking?" Newt gripped Thomas' shoulder to hold him back

"Thomas." Janson walked over with a smile, "Come on, I thought we were all friends." He placed a hand on Wren's shoulder, standing behind her. His grip tightened slightly and Wren flinched slightly.

"Are we?" Thomas asked, glaring at Janson

"Thomas, I need you to go back to your seat." Wren said, and Janson loosened his grip slightly

"Can I talk to Teresa?" Thomas looked at her

Janson's grip tightened again so Wren shook her head and said, "Not yet."

"Come on, Thomas." Minho led Thomas back to the table, and the others followed.

Janson turned Wren around so she would face him. He brushed her hair out of her face and said, "Well done, Wren. Now, have you managed to get any blood samples from them?"

"I have one from... Frypan and... one from Thomas. It isn't much, but I can see what I can do." Wren replied, her voice slightly shaken.

"Good." Janson nodded, moving his hand from her cheek before walking out the room.

Wren stood there for a moment, her hands at her sides in loose fists. She glanced across the room and nodded to Aris before walking out.

Once Wren got to her makeshift lab/office, she pulled out two flasks from her white coat. Wren put them down on the desk, and looked into the microscope next to them and added a drop of the blood onto the plastic sheet that was already there, which had part of the Flare on it for testing.

So Wren injected a bit of the blood from the first flask onto the plastic sheet and looked at it through the microscope. She saw the Flare overtake the blood, turning it black and infecting it. Wren swapped the Flare sample for another and put a drop of blood from the other flask onto it, looking into the microscope. She watched as the Flare slowed down the infection. But not just that, it fought the Flare. Wren looked at the flask she had used, and read the name she put on it.

"Thomas.." Wren whispered

She glanced over at the door, then up at the camera in the room. Wren walked over to the blind spot of the camera and used the opportunity to cover it up before she wrote down a few notes in her small notebook. She then, did her best to break the equipment in the room, leaving no chance for another staff member to figure out what she had found.

Wren grabbed Thomas' blood sample, putting it into her pocket, as well as her notebook into her sock. She was thankful it was bendy enough to bend around her ankle and small enough to tuck into her sock. Wren heard someone nearing close to the room, so she quickly looked around for a place to hide.

Janson heard something drop in the room nearby so he walked over to see what it was. He opened the door to see the room a mess, and no one there. It was Wren's office.

"Wren?" Janson called out. He scoffed when hearing no response and walked out. "Everyone on the look out for Wren Paige!" He yelled at some guards walking past, closing the door as he walked back out the room.

Wren pushed the vent door open and climbed out from the vent. She never delt well with small spaces, especially when it was to hide. Before Wren could even think, she snuck out the room and ran down the hallway.

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