Prologue 1: ~Book of Ioana's Farm, Volume 53~

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[Warning: The following story contains torture, execution, tyrrany, homocide, genocide, demons, evilness, trauma, death of a parent, cheating, swearing, boys love. If you are sensitive to these topics, it is advised against reading.]      

  ~12th of February, Year 300 ACK~

"Lexton. What is is that troubles you?" Christian Yagami, the husband of Isabella Nura, the Queen of Nuria Primas, asked his son, Lexton Nura of Nuria Primas. "Pa- Father, are you going on another detective mission again?" The 12 year old prince asked. Christian nodded. "Yes, Lexton. I have to investigate the dissapearence of a young duke. I am going to a farm on the fields of Zimnicea, that is where she was last seen." He said. The prince nodded. "Do you promise to come back, father?" He asked. Christian laughed and patted his son on the head. "Of course, my dear child. I will always come back to you and your mother." He said with a smile.

"Alright, father. I will miss you. Have the best of luck on your mission." Lexton said. Christian nodded, hugged his son and left the room, heading towards the courtyard of the castle. At the entrance room, he came across Isabella. "Isa. I am going to investigate David Renzo's dissapearence." He said. Isabella nodded. "Be careful. I have a very bad feeling about this." She gave him a sword. "Use this to defend yourself against what may be there, my love." She said.

"Don't worry, my dear. I will always come back to you and our dear son." Christian said warmly, hugging Isabella and kissing her. "You can come with me on the way there. The carrige will stop in Blăgești, the town where the farm is located." He said. Isabella nodded. Hand in hand, they walked to the carrige. Christian oppened the door for Isabella and helped her up, then also got in. The doors closed and the carrige started traveling across Nuria Primas into Summerhold, where they got a ship and crossed the ocean to Zimnicea. 

        ~13th of February, Year 300 ACK~

Christian and Isabella reached Blăgești. Isabella smiled warmly at her husband. "I am glad I could travel with you to here. Please be safe, my love." She said and kissed her husband. "I promise I will. When I get back, I am going to take you to the best ball you have ever been to." He said. They hugged again, then Isabella entered the carrige and started travelling back to Regia Secunda, the capital of Nuria Primas.

Christian travelled trough Blăgești's town square, asking the peasants about the farm on the outskirts of the town. Most of them didn't know anything about the farm, but, amongst them, an elderly woman seemed to know a lot about it. "That is Ioana's farm. It was owned by a shady woman about a few hunder years ago. Her name was Ioana Soare. Some say the woman was very hateful and couldn't stand the rest of the village, so she isolated herself, and, one day, the local priest reported her missing." The woman said. "There are signs of life there, the crops of vegetables and wheat are always worked on, and there are noises from the farmhouse at night. However, everyone who goes there dissapears. The rest of us are too afraid to investigate, so we hope you could." She continued.  Christian nodded. "I will go investigate. Thank you for the information." He said.

After the conversation, Christian travelled to the outskirts of Blăgești, where the farm was standing in the middle of a circle of farmland. He quietly walked trough the farmland, drew his sword, and aproached the windows of the farm.

Even though there was a shady bad omen feeling, there was no one in the farm, as much as he saw trough the windows. The door was even locked, another sign the farm was abandoned. Despite this, Christian picked up a heavy rock from the ground and threw it at a window, breaking it, and jumped trough the window in the farmhouse. It was immense but dark, dusty and the furniture was old, part of it even destroyed.

Christian walked trough the farm, the bad omen feeling being more and more potent as he reached the farmhouse's library. In the library, there was the horrific sight of 13 dead corpses with missing limbs on the floor. Christian gasped and swiftly crouched before one to investigate if the blood was still wet. It was not. The blood was dry. These murders happened a long time ago. On the table, there was a single book. Christian walked up to it.

Upon looking at it, the detective saw that it was titled "Book of Ioana's Farm, Volume 53". He opened it, and read a few pages. As he read the pages, the silhouette of a slender elderly woman with white eyes and an exagerated smile appeared, but, seeing that was nothing but a simple farming book, Christian closed the book and the woman swiftly dissapeared. Suddenly, Christian felt a terrible headache that caused him to fall on the ground and roll around in pain. The pain slowly ceased, and Christian get up.

"I hate them..." A thought came in Christian's mind. "They are all worthless... I can't stand them..." Another thought came. Christian's eyes widened. "What am I thinking? I-" He said to himself. "I fucking hate them all... Always bothering me with their fucking shit... I must kill them..." A third thought came. Christian's mind began flooding with hateful, homocidal thoughts as he felt the urge to kill. "They will not go unpunished. Especially that purple haired bitch." He said to himself and left the farm.

            ~14th of February, Year 300 ACK~ 

 After spending the night in a tavern, Christian took a carrige and travelled across Zimnicea, took a ship across the sea, travelled across Summer Hold and eventually reached Nuria Primas, trough which the carrige travelled like lightning. At around 10 PM, the detective reached Regia Secunda and entered the royal palace, the servants bowing with respectful bows.

Walking into the throne room, he was reunited with his wife. Isabella hugged him tight, but he pushed her aside. "So, what did you find on that farm?" The queen asked. "Nothing." Christian said. "Leave me alone." He demanded. The queen tilted her head. "You aren't yourself. What happened? Is there something you are not telling me?" She asked. Christian shook his head. "No. I said leave me alone." He spoke again. Isabella started repeating his name over and over again. Upon hearing his mother call his father's name, Prince Lexton went into the throne room.

"I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!" Christian yelled before stabbing Isabella in the chest, piercing her heart with the sword. Prince Lexton screamed and backed away, his eyes filling with tears. Christian's eyes widened as he dropped the sword. "I... I... what have I..." He stuttered. Isabella dropped on the ground, blood flowing from her chest. The guards rushed into the room, but were unable to catch Christian who jumped out of the window and ran away on the hills.

The terrified Prince Lexton rushed past the guards and into the artifact room of the castle, where a beautiful sword with white handle, embroaded with symbols of the rhombus made from amethyst was sitting in a display made out of glass. The prince broke the glass, took the sword and ran to his bedroom.

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