Chapter 1: A royal meeting

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~Four years later~

              ~4th of January, Year 304 ACK~

King Lexton was hanging out in the garden, sipping coffee and watching the snowflakes fall gently from the sky as his servants cleaned and prepared the castle for a royal meeting the king would have in a few days. While the king was doing nothing but spending money and enforcing a tyrranical regime for his own gain, his High Counts were working day and night in the palace to try to restore the economy of the kingdom and oppose any rebellion that might arise because of the king's prideful reign.

Lexton finished his coffee and tossed the empty cup on the ground. One of his servants instantly ran over to it and cleaned it. Lexton looked at him. "You didn't do it fast enough." He said coldly. The servant knelt in fear. "Y-your Highness, I..." She began. "Rip her heart out." Lexton ordered. Two of his guards walked to the servant, handcuffed her and brought her to the tower of torture to execute her. "Honestly, where can I find servants who aren't imbeciles?" Lexton asked himself while proceeding to walk back to the castle. 

On his way to the castle, the king heard the voice of an old man. "Parfumes, candles, handfans, talismans, crystals, and other niceties! Come and buy products I have collected in my travels across the world!" The man said. Lexton looked at one of his servants. "Do you think that is a member of the Old Merchant Association?" He asked with a delighted expression. The servant nodded. "Could be." He said. Lexton looked trough his wallet. "Hm. It seems I do not have any money on me. How ironic." The king said dissapointed. "Go to the castle and bring me money, peasant." He called out to his servant. The servant bowed and walked to the castle.

A group of 5 children playing with toys ran past Lexton. "I'm gonna catch you!" One of the children said playfully. Lexton smiled again. He walked up to the children. "Greetings, children. What are you doing?" He asked. The children stopped. "We are playing with our toys, sir." They said. The king looked at them. "Is that so?" He asked. "Well, you are in my kingdom. These toys belong to me." He said and snatched the toys away from the children.

They looked at the king with scared wide eyes. "You thief! These toys are ours, give them back!" One of the children said. "Yes! You're a jerk!" Another agreed. Lexton's eyes darkened as he smiled. "Is that so, children?" He asked. The children nodded angrily. "Yes! You jerk!" They exclaimed. "I shall show you what being a jerk is. Rip their hearts out." He ordered. His guards' eyes widened in shock. "Y-your highness?" They asked in unison. Lexton nodded. "You have heard me." He said. The guards lowered their heads, and, with teary eyes, went up to the children and arrested them, taking them to the tower of torture.

Lexton walked up to the old man. "Greetings, grandfather. Are you a member of the Old Merchant Association?" The king asked. The man nodded. "Yes, young man. Whatever you want, I will sell you." He said. The king's face brightened with pleasure. "I do not have money on me at the moment, however I can sell you these toys in exchange for niceties." He said. The man nodded. "Alright, young man. What do you want to buy?" He asked.

"I'd like 30 scented candles, a golden handfan and a rose parfume." Lexton said. The man nodded. "I will take the offer." He said, wrapped up the products in a gift bag and gave it to Lexton. "Have a nice day, my child." He said.

Lexton's servant came back. "Your highness? You have already bought products from the merchant?" He asked. Lexton threw the gift bag at the servant which he quickly caught and carried it for the king. "Yea. Now carry these to the castle." He said. 

He and the servant walked back to the castle. Upon entering, everyone bowed before Lexton and kissed his hand. The king walked to the throne room and sat on his throne. "The Counts may enter." He said. A single Count entered. His name was Xavier Asano, the Count of economy. "Ohohohohohoho! Now, kneel before me!" Lexton said. The count kneeled.

"Your highness. It appears that your treasure can no longer be stored, for we have no more room in the treasury." He said. Lexton laughed. "Ohohohohohohoho! My treasure is so great you can no longer store it? If there is no room, build a new treasury to have more room. That would be logical." The king said. Count Xavier bowed. "Your Highness, I will go call High Count Elliot here so you two can discuss about building a new treasury." He said, then left.

A couple minutes later, Elliot entered the throne room and bowed to Lexton. Unlike Lexton, the High Count was selfless and kind, trying his best to lower the impact caused by Lexton's tyrranical pride. "Your highness, what is it you request?" He asked. Lexton got up from his throne. "Elliot. My treasure is so great it can no longer be stored in the castle's treasury. I want up to build a new treasury so there will be more room." The king said. Elliot nodded. "I would do so, my lord, however we are in deficit of stone." He said.

"Those imbecile royal miners couldn't even do one job right? How fucking pathetic. The peasants! Give the order to rip their hearts out." Lexton ordered. The High Count nodded. "I will do that, my lord." He said. "As for the treasury... destroy the public fountains and apeducts. You can recycle that stone to build a treasury." The king said. Elliot's eyes widened. "But, my king! There are no other water sources nearby! It will take forever to bring water to Regia Secunda! The peasants will be parched!" He protested.

Lexton just laughed. "Ohohohohoho! The peasants? Who cares about the peasants? Do as I say and say nothing, Elliot. You are just my High Count. You don't get to decide for me." He said. The High Count lowered his head. "I will do so. I apologize for my insolence, my lord." He said. "I will now go carry your orders." He continued and left.

The High Count walked up to a group of knights. "Under the orders of the king, I want you to execute all of the royal miners and destroy all fountains and apeducts to build the king a new treasury." He said. The knights bowed and left. 

                ~5th of January, Year 304 ACK~

The bells of the high worship tower of the castle rang 7 times. Lexton wake up and streched like a cat. Today was the day of his meeting. Getting out of his chamber, Lexton walked to the Hall of Ablution and bathed, then got dressed and put on jewelry.

After getting dressed, Lexton went to the thone room and sat on the thorne, awaiting for his guest's arrival. After a few minutes, the bells began ringing and the doors opening. The guest entered. That man looked a bit younger than Lexton, with long blonde hair, blue eyes and pale skin. He wore a white suit and an earring with the symbol of the Zimnicean royal family. He was the King of Zimnicea: Andrew Rotaru. 

The atmosphere turned cold and sinister, as if something bad was about to happen. Lexton and Andrew stared at eachother coldly, almost if plotting to kill eachother. Suddenly, Andrew ran up to Lexton and hugged him. "Lexiiiiiii!" He said, smiling at the king. Lexton smiled back and patted Andrew's head. "Greetings, Andrew. I missed you."

Over the years, the kings grew closer and closer, until they started dating. Every few weeks, Andrew would travel to Regia Secunda just to meet up with Lexton.

"I missed you too, Lexi. How have you been doing?" Andrew asked. Lexton smiled again. "I have been missing you. Other than that, I've been good. You?" He asked. "Same. I've been occupied with creating a commission of enforcers that will donate the leftover food of the castle to the poor homeless folk of the kingdom." He said. Lexton tilted his head. "Why would you care about these useless peasants, Andrew? I just don't understand." He asked. Andrew smiled. "They aren't worthless, Lexi. Each of them are worthy and have a life of their own." He said. Lexton shrugged. "I don't understand your selflessness, but oh well." He said.

After walking for a bit in the garden, Lexton and Andrew had dinner, bathed, watched an opera in the hall of opera and went to bed.

       ~6th of January, Year 304 ACK~

Lexton woke up, seeing Andrew was still sleeping. He slowly got out of bed, went to the hall of ablution and bathed, then got dressed and walked onto the balcony. Soon enough, Andrew also bathed, got dressed and went to the balcony. "Good morning, Lexi." Andrew said. Lexton smiled. "Good morning. Have a seat." He said. Andrew sat.

A maid brought the kings coffee. "Thanks." Andrew said as he took the sugar spoon and put a cube of sugar in his coffee. Lexton smiled as he took his cup of coffee and said:

"Now, let us enjoy our morning coffee."

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