Chapter 3: ~Let them drink champagne~

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                 ~17th of February, Year 304 ACK~

Just as Elliot has said, destroying the apeduts and public fountains in Regia Secunda would cause a great thirst because there are no rivers around Regia Secunda and it takes forever to travel across towns just to sell water. The peasants were suffering of thirst and dying in the streets while Lexton was drinking the finest coffes, teas and fruit infused waters. Soon enough, even the lower nobles such as Viscounts and Barons started feeling the deficit of water, either by the peasants revolting against them for having no water or suffering themselves from having no water. To prevent everyone from taking to the streets, Taro Renzo, the son of a powerful Viscount named Shinji Renzo, called upon all the nobles and started talking. 

"My fellow members of the nobility of Nuria Primas. It is time we do something for ourselves and the citizens of our country. If we let the king solve our problems, he will just fool around and spend the whole economy of this country on his lavish nicities. He will never see nor realize the thirst that engullfed our country. It is time we take it upon ourselves and go confront the king so he learns about the problems of his country!" Taro spoke with sheer determination. 

High Count Elliot smiled. "You're right. If we want our problems to be solved, they have to be adressed first. Tomorrow, we will all go tell the king about what is happening all across Nuria Primas, and I am sure he will solve our problems." He said. 

           ~18th of February, Year 304 ACK~

All the nobles marched towards the castle in the morning to talk to the king. They entered the throne room and bowed to the king. Lexton looked down at them calmly. "What is it?" He said. Even with the king's calm expression, the nobles lost all their determination and dared not say a word. Elliot was the first to speak.

"Your highness, we would like to adress a problem." He said. Lexton tilted his head. "A problem? Adress it." The king said. "Well, my lord, you see, about a month ago, you asked me to give order to destroy all fountains and apeducts and recycle the stone to build you a treasury." The High Count began. Lexton nodded. "I know. And?" He asked. "Well... um, you see..." Elliot began.

"We have no water left! The peasants are dying in the streets, they are revolting to their town lords, and some of us, even my own father, are suffering from thirst to the point of death! Can you please be more considerate towards your subjects and try to solve your country's problems? People will revolt if you don't!" Taro said with anger in his voice.

Lexton just looked at him calmly. "Hmph. The peasants have no water? How curious. I have a great idea to combat this problem. If they have no water..." He began.

"Let them drink champagne."

Everyone stared at the king with wide eyes. Before they could say anything, the king brushed them off. "Problem solved. Now leave. Leave, I have things to do. Andrew will get here any moment." He said. The nobles wanted to protest but stood silent and left. 

Outside, Taro pinned Elliot down with anger. "High Count! You said he would listen to us! Did you hear what delusions he spit out? Is he fucking retarded? We are fucking crawling trough dust because our bodies cannot witstand the thirst anymore just so we could get to a neighboring town to get a drop of water just to die on the way and he fucking thinks a glass of champange will sort us out?! I want you to go back there and fucking talk to him!" He yelled, and pushed Elliot back inside the castle. "I want you to come talk to me after sorting it out with that fucking bitch." He said and left.

Upon entering the castle, Elliot saw that Andrew has already arrived. He was hugging Lexton and smiling. "Lexi, I have bought you a bouquet of black roses. They remind me of you." He said. Lexton smiled back. "How so?" He asked. "Well, the black rose represents your beauty. The thorns underneath it represent your pride and power. It is the perfect representation for a king. He can be very beautiful, but very hard to reach because of his deadly guards all protecting him." Andrew explained. Lexton nodded. "I see." He said.

Elliot walked up to them and served them coffee. "Greetings, King Andrew. I hope you have a delightful stay at the royal palace. Just call me if you need anything." He said and left. Lexton smiled. "Now, let us enjoy our morning coffee."

          ~20th of February, Year 304 ACK~

"Father! Father, are you alright?!" Taro said, watching his father drop to the ground. He quickly carried the man in his arms and placed him on the bed. "Taro... I cannot stand it anymore...My mouth is... dry..." The man struggled to speak. "Hang on!" Taro said, drew a knife and cut his wrist. He held his wound over his father's mouth and the blood poured, allowing him to drink.

The man got up. "My son. I do not have much time left. This has only quenched my thirst for a little bit. I have heard there is a camp in the forest on the outskirts of Regia Secunda. Please... travel there and be safe. Live with the ones that set up the camp and live a peaceful life." He said. Taro shook his head. "I am not leaving you, father." He said. Taro's father coughed blood and fell on the ground. "Father? F-father! FATHER! WAKE UP!" Taro screamed and knelt before his father's liveless body, crying and hugging it. 

      ~21th of February, Year 304 ACK~

Taro dressed in  black armor, took his sword and travelled towards the forest on the outskirts of Regia Secunda, a forest known as Malice's Forest. It was true, there was indeed a small camp set out there. In the apex of the camp was a young lady dressed in golden armor. She appeared swiftly before Taro.

"I am the First Dove, ruler of the Nurian Resistance. What is a noble like you doing here?" She asked. Taro bowed. "I came here because I have nowhere to go. My father died because of the deficit of water in Regia Secunda. Shortly before his death, he told me I could seek refuge here. However, what is it that you mean by 'Nurian Resistance'?" Taro asked.

"The Nurian Resistance is the resistance that will start a revolution against that tyrant. Our ideas and goals are the same: killing the serpent." She said. "I see that you have quite a beautiful armor and a powerful sword. If you wish, you can join my cause as the Second Dove and we can work togheter on defeating the regime of king Lexton." She proposed.

Taro nodded and smiled. "I will join you. Let us work togheter to the betterment of Nuria Primas." He said. Thus, the Second Dove was born.

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