Chapter 6: The Bishop of Regia Secunda

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                        ~16th of April, Year 304 ACK~

Lexton was on a walk trough the capital at morning. He passed by his favorite cafe and saw it was reserved for the priests of Moonglow Cathedral to celebrate succeeding in performing a very hard exorcism. He looked at the building with anger, then stepped in. "Peasants, kneel before me!" He demanded. The priests stared at him with defiance. "We do not kneel before heretics." One of the priests said. Lexton nodded. "I see." He said calmly. He saw that the priests were eating cake. "Are you enjoying your cake?" He asked. The priests nodded. "Well, I propose you eat something else." He said. "Such as?" The priests asked.

"Angel wings. Rip their hearts out!" He demanded. His guards arrested the priests swiftly as Lexton sat down at the table and ordered coffee. The waitress quickly bought it to him. "Now, let us enjoy our morning coffee." He said, with pure satisfaction that he got what he wanted, then drank the warm coffee.. He looked at the waitress with anger. "It tastes like shit." He said coldly, throwing the cup on the ground. "Rip her heart out." He demanded. One of his guards stepped forward and arrested the waitress. 

After he got out of the cafe, the king walked further trough Regia Secunda, admiring the nature and touristic points.  Suddenly, he heard a voice from nearby. "Nicities! Parfumes, scented candles, handfans, chocolate, rose honey, everything you can need! Come and buy my luxurious items!" The voice said. Lexton smiled with delight. "The old man again? I must go buy something from him. Hm, I have no money on me yet again." He thought. 

"The bishop of those foolish priests who disrespected me is still alive. I could pay him a visit!" He said, and marched towards the cathedral. Entering the cathedral, he saw the bishop standing at the main hall's balcony, staring down upon him. "So you are the heretic who has killed all my cathedral's priests? You have no right to be here!" The bishop said, and called for the cathedral's knights to march forward and kill the king.

The knights rushed towards the king, but were repelled by the royal guards who pierced their chests with their swords, ripping their hearts apart. The bishop's eyes widened with shock. "How could you and your heathen guards kill my holy knights?! We are blessed by Astru, the god of the moon!" The man said. Lexton just walked around the holy house taking all valuable things. "Rip his heart out." He said. The guards siezed the bishop and took him to be executed while the king was talking with the old merchant. 

On the line to be executed, the bishop awaited his death with the other priests Lexton bound to die, praying that he would ascend to the Godly Realm. All of a sudden, the bishop saw Theurgist Viktor. "I am the Theurgist Viktor. I am here to help you escape with your priests. Please, let me guide you." He said. The bishop, name Xander Asano, nodded. "I shall follow your words, Theurgist Viktor. What must we do?"

"There is a loose brick in the wall behind you. You can take it and use it to destroy the lock on the door. Then, follow my light and I will guide you towards a storage room of weapons and armor. Take the weapons and armor there and fight the guards. I will give you a burst of strenght, so do not worry. After that, flee to Malice's Forest where you will learn what to do next." The theurgist said. Xander took the loose brick from the wall and started hitting the door, opening it and going out in the hall with his priests. A guard rushes to see what happened but it was too late. They already followed the blue guiding light and reached the armory.

Xander put on blue armor and so did his priests. They also took some swords and got out of there, walking down the hallways, alerting the guards. With Viktor's burst of strenght, they killed all of the guards and silently escaped the dungeons, fleeing to Malice's Forest, where they were met by the First Dove.

"I am the First Dove. I guide the Nurian Resistance with my companions, the Second and Third Doves. State your business!" She said. Xander and his priests bowed their heads. "I am here to seek revenge on the king. Please take us in, for we will be of great help." He said. The First Dove smilled. "Of course. I see you have quite an army. From now on, my dear, you shall be known as the Forth Dove!" She said.

Xander nodded. "I shall give everything to free this country from that evil monster." He said. And thus, the Forth Dove was born. 

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