Chapter 4: Seeds of Envy

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                ~25th of February, Year 304 ACK~

"Lexi, wake up. We're going to miss the carrige if you don't get ready soon." Andrew gently said, like a father waking up his child on their birthday. Lexton slowly woke up. "Good morning." He said, yawning. The king walked to the hall of ablution and bathed, then got dressed. 

After that, they went to the balcony where a maid served them coffee. "Now, let us enjoy our morning coffee." Lexton said. "Are you excited for our trip to Summer Hold, Lexi?" Andrew asked. Lexton shook his head. "No, because after it ends, you'll go back to Zimnicea and we'll be apart again." He said. 

Andrew smiled. "We'll still keep in touch, won't we?" He said warmly. Lexton smiled back. "Of course." He said. After finishing their coffee, the two kings walked hand in hand towards the carrige. Elliot stopped them at the carrige's door.

"Your Highness, stay safe out there. Do not hurt yourself, do not drink too much wine..." Elliot began giving Lexton the advice a mother would give her child when going to university for the first time in their lives. Andrew just stared at the High Count going on and on about what Lexton should and shouldn't do while he was nodding silently at everything Elliot said. 

After more than half an hour, Elliot stopped. "So stay safe. I'll have the palace kept clean for your return." He said. Lexton hugged his cousin then opened the carrige door for Andrew to enter, then entering as well. The carrige swiftly left, going towards Summer Hold.

"Where do you first want to travel to, Andrew?" Lexton asked. Andrew checked the geographical books. "I have read that there is a very beautiful shrine to the Moon God in Hizukare, a village nor so far from the capital. Do you want to check it out togheter?" He asked. Lexton nodded. "Sure. Let's go." 

The carrige reached Ekazana, the capital of Summer Hold. Andrew and Lexton stepped down from the carrige and bought two beautiful white horses and started riding away towards Hizukare. In the village square of Hizukare, a family of three, Satoru, Osana and Mira Negamishi, were on a walk in the cold breeze of the day. Upon reaching Ekazana, Lexton and Andrew gave their horses to a horse caregiver and began wandering around, checking out the shops and the beautiful trees before going to the shirne. 

Walking in the village square, Andrew and Lexton bumped into the Negamishi family. Andrew's eyes wandered off to Satoru. He was almost as tall as Lexton, with short red hair and gray eyes. He looked really interesting, so Andrew went to speak to him. "Sup! I am Andrew Rotaru of Zimnicea. Nice to meet you." He said casually. Lexton stared at them with envy. 

Osana and Mira decided to go buy water for themselves and their son, when, accidentally, Mira bumped into Lexton. The king fell down on the ground. He stared up at Mira with anger, and got up. Mira bowed respectfully. "I am very sorry, sir." He said. Lexton looked at one of his guards. "Rip his heart out. NOW!" He yelled. The guard silently dragged Mira away to rip his heart out. Osana just stared in shock as her husband was being dragged away to be executed. Andrew and Satoru also stared at Lexton with shock.

Tears fell from Satoru and Osana's eyes. Andrew looked angrily at Lexton before hugging Satoru. "Shhhh. I'll try to speak to him to free your father. It's ok, don't cry." He said. Osana fled the scene without a trace. "Andrew! Let fucking go of that worthless peasant! NOW!" Lexton yelled and pulled Andrew by the hand away from Satoru. He looked at him with pure envy and anger.

"Who the fuck is that worthless scum?! Why are you hugging him?! Am I not enough for you anymore?" Lexton yelled. Andrew yelled back. "You fucking killed his father! And why? Because he just bumped into you? Who the fuck do you think you are? A god? Well, reality check, you are not. You are just a human, as the rest of us! You have no right to play with everyone's heart like this!" He yelled. Lexton stood silent. 

"You hugged him like I mean nothing to you..." He said silently. "Tell me. Do you love him? Do you... not love me anymore?" He asked, almost tearing up. Andrew's expression softened as he hugged Lexton. "No, Lex. You're the only one I love. I promise you he won't come between us." He said softly. "Let's just forget this ever happened." He continued. Lexton nodded. 

               ~27th of February, Year 304 ACK~

Osana reached Nuria Primas. She was going to go to Regia Secunda, sneak into the king's palace and wait until he arrives back from Summer Hold so she could hit him with a rock in the head to kill him, however she was stopped.

Upon crossing the border with Nuria Primas, she was met by the Second Dove in Malice's Forest. The two of them walked towards the camp and talking. "You appear to be from Summer Hold. What are you doing here?" Taro asked. Osana looked at him angrily. "I have travelled here to kill that bastard king of yours that killed my husband." She said. Taro and Osana reached the camp. "We are also plotting to overthrow and kill the king." He said. The First Dove walked up to them. "You can join us." She gave Osana a pair of red armor. Osana accepted it. "I will do anything to kill that bitch, so I will join you." She said. The First Dove smiled. "As of now, you will be known as the Third Dove." She said. Osana bowed her head. "Let's do our best to overthrow that murderer."

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