Chapter 9: Undying Envy

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                     ~27th of April, Year 304 ACK~

Lexton opened the envelope. "Let's see..." He thought, before reading the letter. 

"Lexton, I want to begin this by saying I wish I never dated you. You took a huge part of my life with your fucking pride and arrogance that I wish I didn't waste on you. I regret meeting you so much. That was my biggest mistake. You're nothing but an arrogant kid who can't go a minute without talking about how great he is when in reality you're nothing but a powerless retard. I have met someone way better than your prideful ass. He is the boy whose father you've kiled because he bumped into you. I mean, how fucking pathetic and evil can you be? I want you to never contact me again. I fucking hate you, and I was only with you for your influence. I want to be left alone. Don't reply to this message, even though I am sure you'll have a temper tantrum because I hurt your fragile little ego. Signed, King Andrew of Zimnicea." Is what the letter said. Lexton couldn't believe this was real. His eyes filled up with tears.

The king fell on his knees and started crying. "What is this?! It's a lie! I refuse to believe this is real!" He yelled. A school girl with bloody clothes appeared before him. "It's not a lie. Your boyfriend actually wrote that." She said. Lexton's eyes widened and he cries harder. The girl looked at him. "I am Sayaka Hizukuri, the Palug of Envy. Let me help you. I will tell you how to get revenge on that boy and get your boyfriend back, but, in exchange, you will give your body to me." She said. Lexton nodded. "I... Yes-" He began.

"No." Marie interrupted him. "I won't let you." She said. She manifested and started throwing arrows of light at Sayaka. The school girl covered herself with her arms while screaming. She quickly faded away, but was sure to send plenty of envious and jealous thoughts in Lexton's head. "You shouldn't trust her. You should only trust me." Marie said. Lexton nodded.

"I will, however, take back my beloved Andrew. I won't allow that bitch with red hair to steal him from he." He said. "I am the prideful king of Nuria Primas! Only I deserve Andrew! Everyone, bow to me!" He demanded. All of the people in the throne room bowed to him. 

"Elliot! Call upon all the counts! We are going to send ruin to the kingdom of red!" He yelled. Elliot bowed and swiftly ran to call a meeting with all of the counts of Nuria Primas. All of them and king Lexton gathered in the Hall of Silence, the castle's main meeting room. 

"I want you to find me the manwhore who stole Andrew from me and kill him!" Lexton yelled, throwing his hands against the table. The counts started talking. "Your Highness, we are afraid we do not know the name or face of the man that King Andrew fell in love with." High Count Elliot said. Lexton looked at him in anger. "Well the guards who executed his father should know! They were Platinum Knights Astra and Holyoak!" He said. Elliot shook his head. "You asked for their hearts to be ripped out because they didn't catch the thief who stole water from the palace fountains the other day." He said. Lexton slammed his fist against the desk.

"I fucking dug my own grave!" He yelled. "If we don't know who the manwhore who stole my beloved Andrew from me is, then kill all the men with red hair! To HELL with it, we're fucking going to ruin Summer Hold!" He ordered. Elliot nodded. "We will do so, my lord." He said. Lexton got up and angrily walked away.

Over the next few days, the counts prepared armies, gathered the most powerful and renowed knights of the kingdom and made countless battle strategies against Summer Hold. 

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