Chapter 2: The First Dove

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           ~8th of February, Year 304 ACK~

"Vanessa!" Elliot yelled. "Vanessa, came here!" He called out. Vanessa swiftly appeared. She was one of the kingdom's Countesses, responsabile with agriculture and the health of peasants. "Yes, milord Elliot?" Vanessa Moonlight said with a bow. Elliot looked at her with a hint of anger. "Have you been sneaking money and food from the palace to give to the peasants?" He asked. Vanessa shook her head. "No, milord. I would not." She said. "Do not lie! What would have happened if His Highness caught you, hm?" He asked. Vanessa lowered her head to the ground. "I know what he would have done to me. However, I still want to help the commoners of our country. The king's horrible tyrrany is atrocious. We cannot stand for this. Please, Elliot, we have to do something!" She said. Elliot shook his head. "There is nothing we can do. But I will try to cover you. I will do my best to draw the king's attention away from you." He said. Vanessa grabbed his hands, her eyes in tears. "Thank you. Thank you so much! I promise we two can oppose the king's tyrrany and create a better Nuria Primas!" She said.

What they did not know is that Lexton was listening to them from the balconty all this time. "That bitch wants to oppose my great ideas. Who the fuck does she think she is?" He said to himself. "I have to order her heart to be ripped out now! But wait... if I do this, a political scandal will be caused. I don't want to go trough these imbeciles arguing with eachother like dogs because of that bitch's death. I should set her up somehow. But... how?" He asked himself. 

"Wait. Weren't there reports that Maria Moonlight was a pervert and cheated on her husband? Hm... If her mother was a whore, she would have all chances to be one too. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. That's it! I know exactly what to do!" He thought.

At night, when everyone was sleeping, Lexton sneaked out of his bedroom in his dressing room. He took some of his underwear in a bag and left the castle with it. He travelled trough Regia Secunda until he reached the Moonlight mannor, and sneaked inside. Silently, he went into Vanessa's bedroom and hid the underwear under her bed. After that, he sneaked back into the castle and into his bedroom.

        ~9th of February, Year 304 ACK~

"Elliot!" Lexton screamed from his dressing room. Elliot swiftly arrived and bowed. "Yes, Your Highness?" He asked. Lexton agrily looked at him. "Someone, a fucking pervert, stole my underwear. And I mean more than half of my underwear! Who could have disgraced me like this?!" The king yelled with impatience. Elliot stood silent. "I think it's that pathetic Countess Moonlight! She was the one who was always peeking around my dressing rooma few days ago! I want you to send troops to turn her mannor upside down until they find it!" He yelled. Elliot nodded. "O-of course, my lord..." He said silently. 

Vanessa was chilling in her house, reading a book, when, all of a sudden, three knights burst in. "Under the order of our mighty King Lexton Nura, we will search your mannor. You have been accused of stealing the king's underwear like a pervert. Please come with us." One of them said and handcuffed Vanessa. The girl just stood in shock. "What? I never..." She began, but was stopped by one of the guards who went to search her house. The man came back with the bag of Lexton's underwear. "It was true. She is the thief. Madam, please come with us to the dungeons." He said. Vanessa tried to negogiate with them, but was brought swiftly to the dungeons.

Vanessa's mother, Maria Moonlight, came to Lexton's throne room and knelt. "My liege, I want you to know that someone has been setting Vanessa up. She couldn't have stolen from you, because you have reported that your underwear dissapeared last night. Last night, I and my daughters were outside at the teathre all night, and then we went to bed. She couldn't have had time to go to your castle." The woman said. Lexton shook his head. "Invalid alibi. You have no proof of being to the teathre. Leave before I think you're an accomplice of Vanessa." He said coldly. Maria wanted to argue, but lowered her head and left. 

The following night, Vanessa was standing on the public execution podium, looking at Lexton in the crowd. "You arrogant, useless retard. All you know to do is spend money and set up others when they do something you don't like. Curse you! Curse you, you bitch! I hope you go to hell!" Vanessa said as her final words, before having her heart ripped out of her body and shoving it down her troath. "Eh, nobody cared about the bitch anyway." Lexton said, as he watched Vanessa choke on her own blood. 

          ~14th of February, Year 304 ACK~

The king announced a meeting with all the Counts and Viscounts. Since Vanessa was dead, Maria Moonlight would take her place until he'd appoint someone else. Everyone gathered in the conference room. "Greetings. I am happy that you all could come today." The king said. Everyone bowed before him. "We are happy to be in your presence, your liege." They all said in unison. Maria looked at the king.

Suddenly, the woman took an immense rock from her bag and started running towards the king. "You monster! You killed my innocent daughter!" She yelled before throwing the room at Lexton's head. The shocked king could do nothing but stand there, but, in the last moment, Elliot caught the rock mid-air. "How very disrespectful." The High Count said. Maria gasped in shock, knowing what would be her fate. The knights restrained her and took her to the execution podium, while Lexton was breathing and panting heavily from the trauma.

Gabriella Moonlight, Maria's youngest daughter, was in the city square to buy groceries for the house, when she saw her mother being dragged on the execution podium. She ran up there, but it was too late. Her mother was tied up. Despite this, she turned her head towards her daughter and spoke in a warm voice. "My daughter. Please avenge me. Kill king Lexton!" She told her daughter.

The girl nodded as her mother's heart was ripped out from her body and slowly shoved down her troath. Gabriella ran away from the scene.

Later, at night, Gabriella sneaked into the armory of the castle where she found an old golden armor which she stole and ran away from Regia Secunda. She travelled to the nearby town of Rasna where she announced she is going to plan a revolution against the king and, in mere days, hundereds of peasants joined her cause. They started calling Gabriella "The First Dove".

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