Prologue 2: Revenge of Pride

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               ~14th of February, Year 300 ACK~

In Lexton's bedroom there was a secret passage that linked the castle to a dry fountain on the hills. Reaching his bedroom, Lexton stood in the fireplace and pushed himself down a small hole. He began descending trough a slide and fell face-first on the sidewalk of the labyrinth of sewers down there. He got up and started running trough the sewers. At the end of the sewers, there was a ladder going trough the fountain. Lexton climbed the ladder with the speed of light with the sword in his mouth, then threw himself on the ground beside the fountain. He swiftly got up and saw Christian, who was running past the fountain.

With the speed of light, he ran up to Christian and appeared in his face. Christian stopped abruptly, falling down on the ground. "We are face to face, bastard! You killed mother! You killed her! Your wife! What did she even do to you?!" He confronted his father. The man got up swiftly and ran towards the forest on the base of the hills, Lexton after him.

Being a fully grown adult, Christian was beginning to outrun Lexton and almost dissapeared into the forest, and Lexton began to lose hope, however the time slowed down as he saw the distorted, blurry image of a queen before him. The woman smiled. "I am Marie Anonette Rotaru, the Palug of Pride. I once was the queen of Zimnicea, however I was overthrown by my subjects, who fell pray to evilness. I will help you, in exchange for something." She said. Lexton tilted his head. "And what would that be?" He asked. The woman's smile widened. "I will give you a great speed, and you will be able to catch up with your father. I shall also offer you a powerful strenght, with which you shall be able to overpower and kill your father." She said.

"And in exchange?" Lexton asked. "In exchange, you must allow me to posess you." She said. Lexton's eyes widened. "Posess... me?" He repeated. The queen nodded. Lexton began questioning wether he should make the deal. He thought that, if he refused, he would never be able to take revenge on the man who killed his mother. The Theurgist, Viktor, tried to reach his mind. "My child, do not-" The theurgist began, but Marie snapped her fingers and the telepathy between Lexton and Viktor was cut off. Lexton has then decided. 

"I will accept this deal." He said. Marie smiled. "Wonderful. I will proceed with my part of the deal." She said. Lexton felt an unnatural burst of power trough his body and his speed increasted. He ran trough the forest. reaching a large abandoned concrete building, with a dusty sign that said "NLAM: National Laboratory of Aether Magic.". Marie appeared before Lexton again. "My child, your father is hiding in this building." She said. Lexton entered the abandoned laboratory and found all the doors in the entrance hall were locked. He began searching for his father before hearing footsteps. Turning around, he saw Christian running away trough the front door. "You will not escape." Lexton said.

The prince ran with inhuman speed and jumped on his father, holding the sword over his troath. "If you have any last words, you bastard, you may speak them." He said. Christian started crying. "I did not mean to do it..." He said. Lexton stepped on his chest and cut his neck open with the sword. Upon using the sword, he got posessed by Marie.  Feeling bursts of pride and arrogance trough his body, Lexton smiled with vanity. "I have did it! I have killed my father at last! I have overpowered the bastard!" He cheered himself. "I am so very powerful. I am so very great. I am the greatest prince that has ever lived. I must be crowned king." He praised himself, and went to the castle. 

At the castle, his dear cousin, Count Elliot of Nura, who has sent hundereds of search patrols to search for him, rushed up to him and hugged him. "Prince Lexton! I thought you have gotten kidnapped? Where were you, your grace?!" Elliot asked. "Ohohohohohoho! I have overpowered and killed the bastard that killed my mother! Praise me at once, Count Elliot!" Lexton answered. Elliot's eyes widened. "Y-your grace... you killed your father... alone?" He asked. Lexton nodded. "You are very powerful, your grace. We must rise you upon the throne as king, since the queen has died." He said. Lexton's eyes became sad. "We shall."

The Palugs of Evilness: Mantle of Pride [Prototype]Where stories live. Discover now