Chapter 11: The Six Doves

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                 ~1st of August, Year 304 ACK~

That object was an arrow. It flew in the air swiftly, shooting Satoru straight in the neck. The boy fell to the ground, Andrew rushing up to him to try to save him, but was unable to. In the bushes, Nuria Primas' Officer in Command, Uriel White, was charging his other arrow. Andrew sowly turned his head to him before rushing up to him and pulling his knife out. The king stabbed him in the chest countless times, then skinned him alive. After this, he just started crying. He cried and cried, weeping over the body of his new boyfriend. "Why did you have to leave me? Why was it you and not Takashi?! Please, don't do this!" He yelled. A group of four people came up to them. It was made of two women, one wearing a golden armor and one wearing a red armor, and two men, one wearing a blue armor and one wearing a black one. 

"I am the First Dove." The woman in golden armor said. "Those are the Second, Third and Forth Doves. I have saw what atrocities the king from Nuria Primas has commited. We want to help you kill him. Join the Nurian Resistance now and let us destroy the king! Now that his army is tired and weak from the war with Summer Hold, they won't be able to do anything to us." She said. Andrew and Takashi got up. The Second Dove gave Andrew a pair white armor and Takashi a pair bronze armor. They both put their armors on. "We swear to serve the Nurian Resistance and destroy the tirrany of Lexton of Nuria Primas!" They said, rising their swords. Andrew put on a white mask, and started calling himself the Fifth Dove. Takashi called himself the Sixth Dove.

And thus, the Six Doves, leaders of the Nurian Reistance were born. Andrew and Takashi both regrouped the broken remains of their armies, giving lots of power to the Nurian Resistance. They also forged better weapons and upgraded the Six Doves' armors.

           ~2st of August, Year 304 ACK~

The Six Doves and the armies reached Malice's Forest, Andrew and Takashi's followers growing into the tens of thousands. Upon reaching the camp of the Nurian Resistance, the Six Doves stepped on the annoucement podium. "My dear commorades. My friends. The moment we all been longing for is merely days away. Over the next few weeks, I and the other members of the Six Doves, your new leaders, will train ourselves and train you, and then we will all march towards Regia Secunda to destroy the king!" The First Dove said, rising her sword at the sky. Everyone cheered and rose their swords towards hers. 

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