Prologue 3: The King of Nura

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"The Palug of Pride brings pride, arrogance and vanity. Anyone who will fight with the sword will incur it. The only way to exorcise it is for the host to feel a deep breakdown of saddness generated by their own pride." ~ Theurgist Viktor, 4th of May, year 0 AKC.  

                ~21st of February, Year 300 ACK~

The bells rang all trought Nuria Primas. Prince Lexton was standing in the high cathedral of the nurian royale palace, peasants gathered to bring him gifts and offerings to congratulate him for being coronated as king. The coronation began at 4 PM, the time where rose petals fell down from rose trees creating a divine scenery. Count Elliot walked and stood next to Lexton.

"People of Nuria Primas." Count Elliot began. "Today, the 21st of February, year 300 After the Creation of Kathrine, for the dinasty of the Nura Royal Family, we crown a new king for our kingdom. With the power invested in me by our late queen, Her Highness, Isabella Nura of Nuria Primas, I, Count Elliot of Nuria Primas, crown his highness, Lexton Nura of Nuria Primas, as King. By the white roses and the God of the Stars, I hereby proclaim King Lexton Nura of Nuria Primas. Long live the king." He said, placing the crown on Lexton's head. "Long live the king!" The peasants repeated.

"Ohohohohohoho!" Lexton laughed. "Now, kneel before me, peasants!" He demanded. Everyone knelt before him. Everyone, except five delinquents, known infamously for their disobedience of higher powers. Lexton's smile faded. "Did I not tell you to kneel?" He asked. The delinquents laughed. "So what? Do you think that now, because you are wearing that crown, you are a deity? You aren't some big shot. You're just a replacement for our late queen. Go to hell." One of them said. Lexton chuckeled darkly, then suddenly stopped. "Rip their hearts out." He said. The guards were stunned.

"Y-your highness?" The head guard asked. Lexton nodded. "What did you not understand? Rip their hearts out! Now!" He said. The head guard gasped. "But! Your highness..." He began. Lexton slammed his hand on the armrest of his throne. "No buts! I am the King of the kingdom of Nuria Primas: Lexton Nura. You will do as I say, lowly peasant!" He yelled. The head guard and a couple of other guards bowed and, in a second, they were behind the delinquents. Frozen in fear, the delinquents couldn't run. They stood perfectly still as the guards pierced their chests with the swords and ripped their hearts out.

"Now shove them down their troaths." He said. Elliot put a hand on his shoulder. "Your Highness, do you not think you are going too far?" He asked. Lexton looked at him. "Do not interfere. I want you to raise the taxes of the peasants by 80%. GO!" He demanded. Elliot bowed and left. The guards shoved the delinquents' hearts down their troaths, then took the corpses away to bury them.

Lexton became so prideful and arrogant that no one dared to question him or his terrible regime. Being so prideful, he got the nickname "Demon of Pride". The following is the story of the Mantle of Pride, Sword of Nura!

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