Chapter 10: The Fall of Red

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                 ~1st of May, Year 304 ACK~

Elliot decided that Nuria Primas should do a surprise attack on the border town of Azukare, a town led by a respected aristocrat. He decided to send a thosand troops of warriors on the 1st of May, since it was a well respected holiday in the culture of Summer Hold, and surely no soldiers would be on post that day. Upon seeing so many troops arriving from the border, general Riliane Asakana gathered all of the red knights of the army of Summer Hold and marched forward at the front. Reaching the front, they saw the troops of Nuria Primas standing there peacefully, waiting for their arrival. Upon seeing eachother, the two forces started fighting with their swords and spears, powerful soldiers of Regia Secunda easily overpowering the knights of red.

In the middle of all this discord, Riliane took the first train and ran towards Ekazana, Summer Hold's royal capital to warn Takashi about the war. Upon hearing this, the prince panicked, took some of his most trusted servants and ran away to Zimnicea. 

               ~20th of May, Year 304 ACK~

Lexton's troops started advancing towards the village of Hizukare, killing every single man with red hair in their path, burning all the houses, destroying the food resources and easily destroying the troops of Summer Hold. Upon reaching Hizukare, they spread gasoline over a 5 kilometer radius in and away from the village, killing everyone on sight, destroying all the lifestock of animals and all the farms, and smashing the statues of the moon god to the ground. They were truly barbaric, killing and destroying everything in their path.

After spreading the gasoline, they lit up countless torches and threw them over the gas, igniting the whole village and part of the forest surrounding it on fire. The fire was so powerful and bright that its ashes were blew over by the wind across the water, reaching Zimnicea. Running errands around the town of Igești, the prime minister of Zimnicea saw the ash falling. He ran to Teleorman, bursting into the throne room to tell Andrew what is happening. Andrew was staring out of the balcony at the ash falling from the sky like rain. "It's that bastard. He's trying to kill Satoru..." He said. He started running out of the castle, when, outside, he met Takashi and stopped.

"Takashi Tenshi... what are you doing here?" He asked. Takashi stopped to catch his breath. "I ran over here because your boyfriend is destroying my country and I thought you could do something to stop him." He said. Andrew shook his head angrily. "He isn't my boyfriend anymore! I realized how pathetic and useless that bitch actually is!" He angrily yelled. 

"And he is only doing this because I broke up with him to date your servant. I will go try make ammends. As for now, my prime minister will gather a quarter of my royal knights and send them to fight for you. Now let's go to Summer Hold!" He said. The two travelled towards Igești and took a ship towards Summer Hold. 

            ~4th of June, Year 304 ACK~

The Nuria Primas troops advanced towards Ekazana, siezing the eastern parts of Summer Hold. Upon reaching the capital, they were faced with both the royal troops of Takashi and Andrew ready to fight. Not able to surrender, the black knights clashed against the red knights of Summer Hold and white knights of Zimnicea and the battle was bloody. 

The first wave of black knights was defeated with ease, but Elliot put more pressure on the capital and send more and more waves of knights, slowly pushing back the Zimnicean forces away from Ekazana. The battle continued and continued, neither sides wanting to give up. 

         ~28th of June, Year 304 ACK~

Andrew made a critical mistake. He got too cocky and split apart one of the few remaining groups of white knights to fight two different troops each. Being three times the number of the white knights, both halves were easily overpowered and brought to their knees. Gaining number superiority, Elliot sent another wave of black knights which violently burnt the Zimnicean knights alive by encircling them with gasoline and throwing torches on the liquid, igniting large parts of the capital with the knights. 

All the opposing soldiers fell, and the black knights rejoiced and partied all night. Lexton heard the news next morning and stared at Elliot with delight. "Make this day a holiday! Make sure everyone recognizes it as the day when my powerful country defeated the pathetic, weak country of Summer Hold!" He ordered. The maids bought him coffee. "Now, let us enjoy our morning coffee." He said. 

         ~1st of August, Year 304 ACK~

Ekazana was destroyed. It was burnt to ash by the black knights. Andrew, Takashi and Satoru managed to flee in the forest and escape. Satoru was hurt, Andrew having to carry him in his arms, slowing them down. "Please, Andrew. Please leave me here and save yourselves. I will be ok." He said. Andrew shook his head. "No. I am not leaving you. I love you. I'm going to take you with me." He said. Satoru teared up. "But I'll only slow you down. I don't want that..." He began, but got shut up when Andrew kissed him. "Shhhh..."

The three sat down in the middle of the forest, resting and taking a break from the long road. Satoru was sitting near a tree when something flew in the air...

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