Leo 9

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So the Jackson's were slaves.

Ok, so anyone else not know what to do at this point.

I mean, he just threw it out there, no warning, no side comment, just Hey we were once slaves, bet cha didn't know that.

And he didn't even give us the full story.

I would kinda like to know, where they were slaves, and why Percy wasn't taken as well, and why they weren't slaves now.

I don't know much about inte-galactic law, but isn't a slave supposed to stay with his master.

The problem was, I had a whole mountain of questions I just didn't know where to start.

There was just a stunned silence over the entire group.

Well except for Chaos who for some reason seemed to be having an intense staring contest with a tree.

"First I've heard of this," said Poseidon.

"they don't normally talk about it," said Luke.

"Would you?" one of the Jackson's said, crossing his arms.

"Well that's a story only Percy can tell, so let's get back to saving him," Chaos seemed unbothered by the atmosphere, because he was down right jolly.

"Well go ahead Santa," Zoë sounded kinda annoyed.

"I was going to. Now I said you would be going back in time, but that's not the exact case. You'll be going through Percy's memories."

"His memories?" Annabeth asked.

Chaos nodded.

"That's right, the Void's Sphere targets precious memories in its victim. It corrupts and changes the memory to its own liking. Because memories are the basic soul of the person it would normally kill them to have their memory tampered with. For whatever reason Percy lived through the initial process. But I'm certain that his memory is still a little messed up, hence the reason why he won't wake up. What we're going to do is send a team into Percy's memory, any variation needs to be changed back to the original immediately."

"How will we know what's right and what's wrong?" asked Frank.

Chaos gave him a curved grin.

"Oh you'll know. Trust me you'll know right away."

"So why are Sally and I here."

"You have to be the ones to send the team into Percy's memory."

"How do we do that?"

"I'll show you!"

Chaos grinned like a kid in a candy store.

Heroes of Chaos 3: Subconscious MemoriesWhere stories live. Discover now