Chapter 6: Amortentia - Part II

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Sebastian's POV

He knew as soon as he and Amelia walked into that classroom, he wasn't going to be able to find a station for the both of them to sit at together. He knew Amortentia was going to be brewed today. He knew that if they were partnered up together, she'd have to tell him exactly what the potion smelled like to her.

And he was curious.

Part of him had a feeling that she was lying about not having interest in anyone last night in the common room. Her eyes were telling him something different, but he couldn't pinpoint what. But he realized that once she practically made him partner up with Adelaide Oakes, he wasn't going to be able to get any answers.

But what he didn't know was that as soon as Amelia put her head over that cauldron to inhale the pearly essence, it was going to literally blow up in her face.

Panic immediately wracked through his body like the Cruciatus Curse as he watched Garreth slowly approach Amelia in a cautious manner, with her standing there completely covered in that sickening love potion and pupils blown open like a damn maniac, and then watching in shock as she pounced on him. Both of them fall to the floor with her on top of him.

Sebastian shot up from his seat and hastily walked over to them, the entire class exclaiming and Adelaide calling after him.

He didn't care about that though. What he cared about was his best friend trying to shove her tongue down Weasley's throat in the middle of the bloody classroom.

"What happened?!" Professor Sharp bellowed.

Amelia and Garreth were practically wrestling on the floor, Garreth trying to wrangle her off of him and Amelia trying to pin him back down. It was like watching a rabid animal make an attempt to devour it's prey.

Sebastian shot his arm out and wrapped it tightly around her waist, yanking her off of Garreth while she flailed in his arms like a child throwing a tantrum. Garreth hastily backed up on the floor a couple feet away from them.

"Weasley," Sebastian seethes, "What did you do!?"

"I- I don't know what happened!" Garreth stuttered, wide eyes full of panic, "The potion was fine. I swear, I don't know what went wrong."

"Everyone, leave. Class is dismissed for the day, we shall visit this lesson again in the next few weeks," Sharp loudly announces to the room.

As the class began to disperse, troves of students glanced over at Amelia's antics while they walked out the door. Adelaide brushes past the people leaving and approaches him in confusion.

"Sebastian?" She goes to ask.

"Adelaide, go." He says sternly, still attempting to control the flailing Amelia in his arms.

She presses her lips into a thin line, walking back towards her station to grab her things before she was out of the door. When Garreth hastily grabs his bag and dashes for the exit, Amelia began scratching and clawing Sebastian's arms in an attempt to escape.

"Let me go!" She shouts, "Garreth, wait!"

He was now holding her against him so tightly, her chest to his back, he thought he was going to break her for a second. "Amelia, stop."

"No! I want to see Garreth, I need him. I'll die without him."

They were now the last two people standing in the classroom besides Professor Sharp who had gone into his office to look for an antidote.

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