Chapter 47: The Red Wedding

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"I guess it goes to show, does it not? That we've no idea what we've got until we lose it."

- Sleep Token


WARNING: This is a long, gruesome, and rather difficult action-packed chapter. Take breaks and hydrate.

Sebastian's POV

The night was quiet, but it wouldn't be for long.

Sebastian stood at the front entrance of Castle Oblivion, with Ominis, Alfred, Lilith, and unfortunately Clive and his father, Collin. All of them were donning black leather cloaks that radiated dark magic.

Magic that Sebastian would be taking full advantage of.

The castle was relatively small on the outside for a place that is supposedly large. Smaller than Hogwarts, for sure.

Valencia and Anne insisted they come with, but Amelia already slipped under Sebastian's nose once. He wasn't going to take any chances with his sister or Amelia's.

Well... her duplicate. Nevertheless, Sebastian referred to Valencia as her twin sister.

Alfred faced the group with a serious expression before he asked lowly, "Does everyone know the plan?"

"Yes," everyone answered in unison.

"Brilliant. Clive, you'll lead Sebastian to the safe room while the rest of us hold down the fort in the Ball room. The Organization is planning to use the locket tonight, so we must make haste. Hoods up."

Everyone pulled their hoods up as Alfred, Lilith, Collin, and Ominis walked ahead and through the giant double doors.

When Sebastian pulled his hood over his head, it was as if his senses and magic were heightened.

He was definitely keeping the cloak.

Clive presumably looked over at him, though Sebastian couldn't see his face. "Stay close and don't do anything reckless."

"No promises," Sebastian muttered under his breath. His mind was already set on killing anyone who got in his way.

Him and Clive stepped through the large double doors, and despite the hood over his face, Sebastian was instantly blinded by how bright the enormous place was.

Everything was white. No furniture or decorations, just pure white walls and a white marble floor that nearly made Sebastian slip.

It was a mirage.

He could see his reflection in every corner of the room.

Clive strolled ahead of him as if he owned the place, with Sebastian following right behind him. He retrieved his wand from his cloak pocket and meticulously slipped it up his sleeve.

"Where's Amelia?" Sebastian impatiently asked, his voice echoing off the mirrored walls.

"Keep it down," Clive hissed, "She's on the top level. If you collapse on those stairs, I'm not carrying you."

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