Chapter 38: Intertwine ✧

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"You show me how to see that nothing is whole and nothing is broken."

- Hikaru Utada


WARNING: This chapter contains sexually explicit content.

Sebastian's POV

Amelia was the light within the darkness.

Sebastian had known since first laying his eyes on her at the Sorting Ceremony that she was someone truly special.

At the time, he wasn't aware to what extent.

He had made countless mistakes, time and time again, and she stayed by his side through each one.

Even when everyone else had given up on finding a cure for his twin sister, Amelia never relented. She set her own priorities aside to spend countless hours, days, weeks, months with him looking for ways that can help Anne.

She never had to, but she did it all anyways, with a smile brighter than the sun and eyes that glowed with determination.

She had sacrificed for him, and there was no doubt in his mind that he'd do the same for her.

A deep part of him knew he'd fall in love with her. He just didn't think he'd plummet as hard as he did.

And the split second he laid all his cards on the table and kissed her in a passionate collision, his mind, body, and heart exploded in a kaleidoscope of colors all at once.

Initial worry began to consume him, but once her fingers wove their way up his neck and tangled in his hair to deepen the kiss, he felt nothing else except raw desire.

He fucking needed her.

He gripped her waist and pulled her close as their lips and tongues clashed. The sensation of her pebbled breasts pressing into his bare chest and his erection against her abdomen ignited an inferno within him.

He reveled in being burned alive by it.

Fervor invaded his mind like the Imperius Curse, a curse from which he had no desire to free himself from. He left open mouthed kisses across her jaw and down her neck, while she elicited soft sighs that sang a beautiful ballad.

A ballad he wanted to hear for the rest of his life.

The night air was chilly, but being so close to her right there in the middle of the lake, skin to skin, underneath the stars and the full moon that cast a pink glow on the water that enveloped them, filled him with a warmth he had never felt before.

If this is what it felt like to succumb to the flames, he never wanted to douse them.

"Tell me if you don't want this as much as I do," Sebastian murmured against her skin, "Because I don't think I'm capable of stopping myself this time."

"I want this. I want you. I love you," Amelia exhales while tilting her head to the side, allowing him better purchase of her neck.

"I love you more," he responds with a thundering heartbeat, sucking on her skin and marking her body as his.

"I want all of you. Please. Don't make me wait any longer," she pleaded.

He raised his head to meet her gaze, and the spark in her eyes told him everything he needed to know.

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