Chapter 42: Harsh Truth

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"But you made me want to plan out my last days on earth, eating you."

- Melanie Martinez

Amelia's POV

A bright flash and a loud explosion sends her thrown through the glass window and out into the front yard, breaking through hedges that lined the entrance and slamming her back into one of the trees by the road.

Everything was black and the only thing she could hear was the ringing that pierced her eardrums. Her head was pounding and every muscle in her body ached. She wouldn't be surprised if she broke some bones in the process. Moving wasn't something she was capable of doing.

She slowly opens her eyes, blinking a few times to clear the blur in her vision before finally seeing what was left of her childhood home.

Up in flames. Not just any flames. Bright, blue flames that seemed to light up the entire neighborhood.

What just happened? Where were her parents? Why were the flames blue?

As she attempts to pull herself up from the ground to no avail, she looks down at her hands that were glued to the fresh cut grass.

They were glowing. Blue. Bright blue. Just like the colour of the flames. Spiraling silver tendrils flowed around her hands through her fingertips in a delicate dance.

Was this...magic?

No. No, this can't be happening. She's a squib, she's not capable of doing something like this. Where were her parents?

She faintly notices Valencia sprinting towards her before dropping on her knees in front of her and taking hold of her hands.

Everything went dark.

"It was an accident! It was supposed to endow her with ancient magic, I didn't think-"

"You didn't think, what? That you'd be subjecting my own daughter to your twisted experiments?!"

"I did what I thought was right! I've witnessed the power Ranrok has over the Wizarding World. Only a witch or wizard capable of wielding ancient magic can stop the Rebellion-"

"So you thought it would be wise to bestow such task on a child that has recently developed magical abilities?! MY child that hasn't attended Hogwarts yet?! ... Do they harbor any emotions? Memories? Or did you create a weapon of mass destruction?!"


"Please don't be upset with me... I had to transfer a small fragment of my soul into them. But, they gained both of our memories and it caused a critical reaction. I had to alter both of theirs to keep them safe... I know it sounds awful, but they wouldn't have any emotions without-"

"Are you SERIOUS?! You're well aware that you have to commit a murder to do that, yes? You've broken a nature taboo! This defies every fundamental law of magic! You've done more damage than Ranrok ever could. If the Ministry catches word of this, they'll use it to their advantage and you'll be sentenced to Azkaban for life! ... You're a scientist and potioneer; I never would've expected you to be so careless."

"Wake up, darling..."

"I'll go back to my time, then! Is that what you want?!"

"No... But you can't stay in the Highlands, they'll come after you. They'll come after us, after her... After them-"

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