🦁 🫒 Marisala 🫒 🦁

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Original Character Profile
Marisala Olivia Sanchez

Age: 23 years old

Hair Length and Color: Long and wavy/ Bright Blonde

Eye color: Icy Blue

Skin Tone: Deep Tan Brown

Favorite color(s): Gold and Brown

Favorite Animal: Lion Fish

Lives: Off the shores of California in her parents apartment complexes.

Crush: Predaking

Personality: She's sweet when she wants to be and is very mischievous and stubborn. She's very loyal to her comrades and is extra protective of them.

History and the now: Mari is from a wealthy family originally from Italy. Her Father was from the U.S. but originally he was from Mexico. He met her mother when he won a trip to Venice and married her a few weeks later. You can say, it was love at first sight.

It was then that after her parents expanded their business to the shores of California, America, that she asked if she could live there and see if she could make it on her own for once.

Her parents were reluctant because they were very protective over her. But she assured them that she would be fine and would call them daily. So, with great apprehension, they let her stay at one of the newest apartments that they had built for their workers in America. And for some families that needed a roof over their head. The Sanchez's are a loving and giving family. They would literally stop what they were doing and help either an elder cross the street or help a homeless person find a decent home.

Part of the Sanchez's business is to provide supplies and other insurances to small up-starting businesses. So when Marisala met Sharona and Quin and what business that they ran, she immediately wanted to aid them and make them part of her family's program. Sharona accepted the offer whole heartedly and welcomed Mari aboard to the Rescue and Research Center family. And the fact that she studied in Marine biology in college back in Italy and graduated early with a Master's degree, you can say she was more than qualified.

So now she works among the various Ichthyologists at the Center and is enjoying every minute of it. She especially enjoys it when she gets out traps and punishments for the sleazy debtors that try and get in and "confiscate" the animals and the equipment. She's also heard of her boss's dreams about the Merformers. And she can't help but tease Sharona about her crush on the Mercon leader.

So what happens when a certain Merbeast sees his destined mate and kidnaps her from her underwater team of researchers?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20 ⏰

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