Side Note and Fish List

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Holy Crud!!!
100 views in less than 2 months?! That's a record for me! Believe it or not this is my second most popular fanfic. The number one is being the Pac-Man and the ghostly adventures one.

I cannot be anymore grateful to you readers for choosing to read this book of mine. It really is like sunshine to my gloomy heart. And with this pandemic that's going on right now, it really means a lot to me. But onto the other matter of this tidbit here, is that I'm going to present to you the fish type of each Merformer prime character. All of these are based off from what I've seen and read on the internet and from two lovely Tumblr artists that have helped and inspired me with this project.

Charliedzilla and uniformshark are the two Tumblr artists. They are awesome artists with a natural gift at what they do. Go check them out. And if you don't have a Tumblr, then you can look their pics up on Google images.

Now for the moment you've all been waiting for, drumroll please~
*Intensifying drumroll sounds*
I now present to you the list for our beloved Transformers!

Optimus: Blue Whale

Ratchet: Octopus

Bumblebee: Orca

Bulkhead: Sea Turtle

WheelJack: Swordfish

Arcee: Bluefin Tuna

UltraMagnus: Humpback Whale

Smokescreen: Flying fish

Megatron: Great White Shark

Starscream: Mako Shark

Soundwave: Blue Sea Dragon

KnockOut: Betta Fish

BreakDown: Giant Moray Eel

ShockWave: Angler Fish

Predaking: Lionfish

5t3v3/Steve: Black tipped Shark

Airachnid: Squid

Dreadwing: Arowana

What do you guys think?! Pretty good list huh?! It took a lot of thought for these guys. Especially Arcee, Dreadwing, and Steve. They were the hardest since little to no pics were found about them in Merformer form. Steve especially.

So I just want to say thanks for reading this so far and I hope you enjoy the book!

*FYI: Spoiler alert!!!
My next chapter is going to feature our favorite second in command and third with their crushes. Soundwave might be a bit hesitant at first, but Starscream falls HARD for Stella. I really hope that you'll like my new OC for Soundwave in the next few chapters. She's really sweet and quiet. BUT THAT'S ALL I CAN SAY AT THE MOMENT!!!! But I will say this! If one of you can guess what disability she has, I will mention you in the chapter! Good luck to you all!

This is Jo signing out!

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